Stuttering and screen tearing question


Mar 4, 2012

I've been having some problems when playing games on my Dell XPS. I notice some stuttering and screen tearing when playing most games. I read that screen tearing occurs because the monitor refresh rate isn't as fast as my actual fps but when I look at my fps in a game like TF2, the fps never really goes over 60 fps. It hovers around 40-50 most of the time. So is this really screen tearing? What's weirder is that when I turn vsync on, the screen tearing kind of goes away. I'm also facing some stuttering issues in TF2 where the gameplay doesn't really feel all too smooth. I would assume that stuttering is cause by low fps? If so, how I can be faced with stuttering and screen tearing at the same time? I believe that vsync limits my framerate but my fps stays the much the same whether it's on or off. Could be I dealing with a different issue here?

Thank you.
your not , everything is connected.... tearing and stutter can because by the pc not being able to get to 60fps and stay there... turning vsnc on will reduce the problem but only if your gfx supports on the fly vsnc. if it doesnt then it will start stuttering...
best thing to do is reduce your gfx settings to minimum and then see if you get more than 60. if your already running at minimum then you need a new pc as the 1 you have isnt up to playing the games you want to play.

btw which model lappy is it...


Thank you for your reply. Could you explain what you mean by "only if your gfx supports on the fly vsync"? I believe my graphics card does support vsync but I have it on application specific so I turn on vsync from the in game options.

About stuttering, is it caused by a rapid changing of the frame rate? Because I believe that 45 fps is acceptable for games which is what I'm getting on average, but my frame rate usually varies from 30-60. Is that what's causing the stuttering (it's more of a shaky feeling when I'm panning from left to right)? Also I gather from what your saying that screen tearing can occur even if my fps is lower than my monitor's refresh rate?

And ts the standard really to get 60 fps and maintain that throughout a game? Is that typical?

Thank you.