Question Sudden fps drop, stutters

Jul 19, 2024
I noticed that I get stutters now in games. Like 2 weeks ago i'd say or so. At start was perfect, was good for months I could run max settings a game, load up super fast, smooth no problems as it should. Then i noticed stutters even on medium settings on the same games that would be flawless on ultra. Made and makes no sense to me why this happend. Some guy said to run that benchmark program and that came very bad. I am sorry I am very bad at PCs and I try to find what you guys are asking need to be very specific with me.



I got the link of the PC if it's avalabile for you for more info. link to PC
EDIT: I reinstalled windows, i reinstalled ddu drivers, safe boot and everything after a tutorial now i noticed my bios might be outdated but that can really cause for the GPU to do that?
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