Sudden FPS Drops in all games!


Jan 13, 2017
My Rig:
Intel core i7 6700K
Gigabyte GTX 980Ti
32Gb ram(8X4)
Antec HCP-1000 Platinum
Gigabyte Gaming G1 Motherboard
Corsair 100i Cooler
My Problem:
Suddenly in all games I am experiencing drastic chenge in FPS.Before I used to pay at Constant 60FPS(Battlefield 1),now the FPS is fluctuating anywhere from 7-35 FPS and this reamins constant.I tried reinstalling OS and the drivers the problem still exist.

When playing games, hit ctrl+shift+esc and click on the performance tab, how much of your CPU or Ram is being used up?
Write that down. Now, go back to the 'Processes' tab and sort them by either CPU, or Disk usage by clicking on those buttons at the top, you'll see they have an overall percentage of how much they are being used on your PC.
ok im having the same issue, get a temp monitor like hwmonitor and run the game in windowed full-screen and set hwmonitor to be "always on top" and whlie playing look at your temps and report them to us. i believe that your cooler might be going a bit wonky making the system "thermal throttle"

note: if you can after that do the same with task manager on the performance

damn you komayy providing a better tutorial

When playing games, hit ctrl+shift+esc and click on the performance tab, how much of your CPU or Ram is being used up?
Write that down. Now, go back to the 'Processes' tab and sort them by either CPU, or Disk usage by clicking on those buttons at the top, you'll see they have an overall percentage of how much they are being used on your PC.