Sudden frame drop in every game Dec 2017


Dec 6, 2017
I am honestly to the point when i would just explode, reading past forums are of no help as people keep saying same and same all over again and most of the solutions in the past that i’ve tried is of no use.

I’ve recently moved countries and the laptop was in my carry-on bag, it was fine the night before i departed, then when i started Overwatch or Destiny or any game (after i landed) frames would just die and go straight to 10-20fps. I used to be able to run Overwatch in High 1920x1080, now i can only ‘run’ it in low with the smallest resolution i could with random fps jumps.

Please help, this situation is a pain to deal with especially when i’m still young and has no experience with these kinds of bull.

One thing i do notice is when i’m running the games my gpu heats up to 85-90C, i’ve never noticed this since i assumed it was fine.

Specs: Intel Core i7
Nvidia geforce GTX 950M
16Gb RAM

I'm not exactly sure. I know that desktop CPUs like to stay under 60-70C under load, 35-45C at idle, and they start to throttle @90-100C. Desktop GPUs tend to run hotter, 70-80C and 90C is not unheard of, especially in the hotter climates. I think you could add 10C to those temps for a laptop, and still be ok.

Welcome to Tom's!
An overheating GPU could cause the symptoms you describe. It is possible that the GPU heatsink came loose during the flight, and is no longer cooling it properly. What do your CPU temps look like? Laptops do tend to run hotter than desktop PCs, but they CAN overheat and start to go into "thermal throttling".



Dec 6, 2017

GPU: 86-90C
Motherboard: 50-55C

CPU and the motherboard goes down and up but not by a large scale, GPU just sat there at 89-90C
Thank you for the quick reply by the way.

EDIT: When the game ran smoothly for brief moment i noticed the temperature going down, so i think you're right on the overheating thing (I'm using overwatch as a testing game)

I always hate to recommend that someone open up the case on a laptop because of possible warranty issues, but if you feel confident in your computer-fu ninja skills, then you could check on the status of your heatsinks, and maybe blow any accumulated dust out with some canned air.



Dec 6, 2017

Was actually planning to take it to a service centre to have it checked out today, what would be the optimal temperature for the CPU and GPU to work in may i ask?

I'm not exactly sure. I know that desktop CPUs like to stay under 60-70C under load, 35-45C at idle, and they start to throttle @90-100C. Desktop GPUs tend to run hotter, 70-80C and 90C is not unheard of, especially in the hotter climates. I think you could add 10C to those temps for a laptop, and still be ok.
