interesting problem since it occurs across different directories.
there can be various reasons for this.
(if the problem is not malware like ransomware)
i would first google for crystaldisinfo.exe download and run it and look at the smart data for your drive.
if your drive is a old mechanical hdd the drive head might be missing the sector alignment markers on the disk due to normal drive wear in its bearings. this starts out as a small problem and gets worse over time. the utility should give you a indication of the drive health.
if the drive health is good, then i can explain what to look for next.
if the drive health is bad, you still have some hope and I can explain what to do next.
Pretty sure its not malware or ransomware, I did run various antivirus
It's a fairly new 1TB SSD
The machine was only bought in May this year
Ive d/l the CrystalDiskInfo it says good 100%
CrystalDiskInfo 9.5.0 Beta3 (C) 2008-2024 hiyohiyo
Crystal Dew World:
OS : Windows 11 Pro 23H2 [10.0 Build 22631] (x64)
Date : 2024/10/19 22:22:05
-- Controller Map ----------------------------------------------------------
+ Standard SATA AHCI Controller [ATA]
- ST4000VN006-3CW104
+ Standard NVM Express Controller [SCSI]
- Microsoft Storage Spaces Controller [SCSI]
- Xvdd SCSI Miniport [SCSI]
-- Disk List ---------------------------------------------------------------
(01) KINGSTON SNV2S1000G : 1000.2 GB [1/1/0, sq] - nv
(02) ST4000VN006-3CW104 : 4000.7 GB [0/0/0, pd1]
(03) WDC WD80EMAZ-00WJTA0 : 8001.5 GB [2/0/0, sa1]
Firmware : CBG04418
Disk Size : 1000.2 GB
Interface : NVM Express
Standard : NVM Express 1.4
Transfer Mode : PCIe 3.0 x4 | PCIe 4.0 x4
Power On Hours : 452 hours
Power On Count : 133 count
Host Reads : 3223 GB
Host Writes : 3047 GB
Temperature : 31 C (87 F)
Health Status : Good (100 %)
Features : S.M.A.R.T., TRIM, VolatileWriteCache
I did a chkdsk on C (after a restart)
I'ts in german as that was the install language
but heres the deepl translation
File system on C: is checked.
The file system type is NTFS.
The volume name is Windoze.
A volume check is scheduled.
The disc scan is now being performed.
Phase 1: The base file system structure is examined...
Instance identifier for file 0x1a804 is cleaned up.
577024 data records processed.
File check completed.
Phase duration (file record check): 4.68 seconds.
25482 large data records processed.
Phase duration (recovery for orphaned file record): 10.35 milliseconds.
0 invalid data records processed.
Phase duration (check for incorrect file data record): 1.40 milliseconds.
Phase 2: The file name link is analysed...
369 analysis data records processed.
750102 Index entries processed.
Index check completed.
Phase duration (index check): 13.88 seconds.
0 non-indexed files checked.
Phase duration (reconnection for orphaned data set): 435.18 milliseconds.
0 non-indexed files recovered.
Phase duration (recovery for orphaned data set): 2.40 seconds.
369 analysis datasets processed.
Phase duration (check of analysis point and object ID): 5.39 milliseconds.
Phase 3: Security descriptors are examined...
1480 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9 are cleaned up.
1480 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9 are cleaned up.
1480 Unused security descriptors are cleaned up.
Safety description check completed.
Phase duration (check for security descriptor): 67.02 milliseconds.
86540 data files processed.
Phase duration (data attribute check): 1.50 milliseconds.
CHKDSK checks USN-Journal...
The check of USN-Journal has been completed.
Corrections have been made to the file system.
No further action is required.
975865855 KB total storage space on the data carrier
500132864 KB in 265483 files
207928 KB in 86541 indices
0 KB in bad sectors
680755 KB used by the system
65536 KB used by the log file
474844308 KB available on the data carrier
4096 bytes in each allocation unit
243966463 Allocation units on the data carrier in total
118711077 Allocation units available on the data carrier
Total duration: 21.62 seconds (21624 ms).
Internal information:
00 ce 08 00 b9 5e 05 00 86 97 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 .....^..........
1e 01 00 00 00 53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ....S...........
Any ideas? Thanks