Question suffering stuttering on every game


Nov 13, 2019
hi everyone i need your help, for a while i've been suffering from frequent stuttering on every game i play even on League(i usually got around 180 - 200 fps), i've monitored my pc with msi afterburner and apparently the GPU usage drops from around 50 to 15 or less, and the fps drops to 13 - 10, i've tried disabling the game bar, updating the GPU drivers , disabling the Diagnostic Policy Service with no luck.

i have a ryzen 5 1500x on a ab350 k4 board, 16 gb ddr4, gtx 1050 ti, and a ssd wd blue.

I have this same problem but i have a 6 year old laptop with i5 4200U and a gt740m, 4GB ram and a 5400rpm hdd. These drops occur for me whenever i enter a new area in an open world game, the hdd goes up to max load because of its slow rpm and then the textures struggle to load up,making the gpu wait for said textures, dropping its usage to near 0 causing momentary stutter.

I suggest that you check your SSD usage rates too. something might be leeching your disk usage. Theres talk of this happening to much more powerful pcs so i cant rule out the possibility of nvidia drivers, or even windows 10 itself of being the culprit.