Suggest better CPU Cooler than Hyper 212x


Mar 5, 2017
Better options for overclocking i5 3570k possibly cheaper and better than 212(if possible), i'm in india, Please suggest since the stock cooler just wears out to 85 to 90 without OC and blacks out :??: My cabinet width is only 7 inches will it be able to fit 212? My budget is 3K INR
7" wide is more than enough for the EVO. Your main concern there would be the clearance at the bottom over your RAM sticks. If they have funky high cooling fins, then it could be a problem. The "K" series of Intel CPU's don't come with heatsinks, do they? Is that an Intel cooler? Regardless, I'd re-do the thermal paste and rule out that it isn't working well.

Zebronics Desire

1.Okay i will go for 212 which one 212LED,212X,212EVO
2.The stock fan was OK until i housed the RX 570 Nitro+ the temps on GPU was around 60C(full fan speed) but my CPU went to 85 to 90 and blacked out.

Yes its dh77kc need z77 for oc will be getting it soon, meanwhile investing in cooler before hand, dude I cleaned the cooler with a small brush I don't have a vacuum do you want me to water wash it :lol: I think the gpu letting out heat from the backplate heating the cpu therwise so I can't play for long hours without blacking out but can play dota and cs go without blacking out.
Already ocd gpu to 1450mhz core and 2000mhz memory.

Is 2900 INR a good prize for 212X?

Will it fit in my 7 inch width case, I heard it needs 7.5 inch case minimum.
My case is zebronics desire
Will it block my ram slots refer image top
Please help!!!