Suggest me a new build or something that will increase my fps.

Denis Stoikovski

Feb 2, 2014
Current specs GTX 770 oc msi i5 3350p 8 ram 1600mhz 1tb wd blue 7200rpm NZXT 630 ultra tower.I wan't to play all of the new games and even games from 2011-12-13 on high-ultra msaa 2x or a bit lower af 16x with constant fps 60 or above 1440x900.I though of saving a year for a ddr4 ram 8gb x99 mobo and i7 5th gen.Worth? Or i should sell my 770 and get 970? I would really like to run far cry 4 on high with 60fps or acu on high(without things like hbao) with 60fps.

Well there are a few issues like in payday 2 on max i get constant 135 fps some times it dips to 120 even 90 but on one mission it goes to 53 and it worries me cause my max gpu usage in this game was 77 avg is 59% so it isn't the gpu.The cpu is 70-80 so still it isn't neither of them.In bf 4 on max i get 70-120 fps and once dipped to 57 which is amazing! Ryse son of rome 67-90 avg 80 but on some locations it gets to 48 all on high. Middle earth shadow of mordor 80-100 on ultra great game! It only dips when i shot at exploding barrels or fire dips to 53 for a sec or two but nothing that bothers me for now.I would say ac4 but that would be pretty stupid of me. Still it bothers me that acu need gtx 680 for minimum,the 770 is an oc version with a few more things of a 680,also i5 2500k is better than my i5 3350p which maybe bothers me the most.