Here is what I've selected.
I've kept the processor, cooler, and RAM because they are very good. Storage has no issues either. I've changed the case to the NZXT Phantom 530. They come in a variety of colors, myself being a fan of the black. Power Supply, Optical Drive, and OS do not have any problems. For headphones, I do not want to skimp out on quality. V-Moda Crossfades offer an excellent sound quality, comparable to the $1500 Sennheiser 800's. The microphone holds no compromise either. Blue Microphones Yeti is an excellent microphone that will deliver crisp audio sound and will be ideal for recording youtube videos and livestreaming. The keyboard I selected is the corsair K70 RGB keyboard because of its amazing looks, features, and tactile feel. I am a new mechanical keyboard user, and trust me the difference is astronomical. As for the monitor, I went with a large 27 inch screen for eye candy, at 1080p. The 980 will have no problem with that resolution, which is why I dropped one. The mouse I chose is a community favorite, the Logitech G502 proteus core. This mouse is very comfortable, looks great, and is affordable. Final cost is $2200.
While all these components are fantastic, if you're looking to save money, try switching the microphone out with the Audio Technica AT 2020 to save $40. If you just want standard backlighting but mechanical feel, go with a Razer Blackwidow as they offer beautiful green backlighting along with great mechanical switches. This will save you an additional $40.