Suggestions for upgrades


Sep 21, 2012
Looking for any suggestions for what the best upgrade would be for my PC.

Current build is

i7-4770k @ 3.5GHz
ASUS Z97 pro MB
GTX770 graphics
16gb ram

Thanks for any input,advice
depending on your budget, maybe you would want to go with a GTX960 or at least in the 900 series.

You also haven't posted what kind of HD you have. Maybe you would want to get an SSD drive if you don't already have one.
Sorry, I do have an SSD, its a bit on the small side but its there,lol.

I kind of wanted to go with a better graphics card but figured it probably isnt worth the money at this point. Maybe when they drop in price a bit.

Thanks for the feedback
the better question is why do you feel like you need an upgrade? are you not getting the performance you want? do you wish to move into 1440p or 4k gaming?

maybe an upgrade to a nice shiny case can give you that "new" feeling you are missing at this point! if you really want to spend some cash how about a nice new monitor that may be more than your card can do now but sets you yp for the next gpu upgrade later on.

just some random thoughts.