Supplying GTX970 with one split cable


Dec 12, 2014
Hi all,

I've just installed a new GTX970 that takes an a 6+2 and a 6 pin connector, so basically 8 and 6, and from my PSU (RM750) I have a wire that has a 6+2, and split out of that another 6+2, I've put the first 6+2 in the 8 pin, and the second 6+2 in the 6 (using just the 6 pin connector, 2 ping dangling at the side.)

Is this safe for the card, while it get enough power, or should I (I have the cables and slots for it) run one cable from PSU to 8pin and another from PSU to 6pin?


PCIe 1 2x 6+2-pin (60cm-75cm)
PCIe 2 2x 6+2-pin (60cm-75cm)

So you are asking is it fine to run that card on a single cable PCIe1 or PCie2 but not PCIe1 + PCie2 the answer is YES... again if Corsair provides 2x6+2 pin cables so it means both PSU and cables are designed to handle 300W on a single PCIe rail.
In fact you are even able to run 2x980 cards with...
That's not a safe way to do it. I suggest you get a molex to PCI-e (6 pin+2) adapter, they are cheap.

It actually works this way, PSU have either 6 pin or 6+2 pin, if it has 6 pin connector then it can supply 75W from that wires, if its 8+2 then it can supply 150W. So if you simply unplug 2 wires from 6+2 connector it will still work as it should.

@ UP.... that hint with molex is a joke right?

EDIT: It really doesn't matter if 2 plugs comes from one cable or 2 as far as PSU provide split cables it means it was designed to work this way, if it wouldn't then Corsair wouldn't supply 2x8 split cable at all.
Just to clarify, I'm not running 6+2 alone, I'm running the 8pin and the 6pin supply to the GPU (both of them) on the same wire, it goes into the 8pin first, and out of the back of that connector is the second 6+2 with which I supply the 6pin connection. So both sockets are supplied by one wire from the modular supply.

i think you should never use molex to pci ex. ever. it's the recipe for disaster. (not the case here, but usually if a psu doesn't have the pci ex connectors it can't deliver the watts needed. molex to pci ex overcomes this and you basically ask for more watts then the psu can dish out. that and it leads to overheating the cable that holds the molex. it's drawing more power than the wire is designed to carry.

Your PSU should have extra Molex, use molex to PCI adapter and you are good to go. The way you are doing is unsafe and can burn down your computer.

it would be better to use another cable from psu
This is the cable, as you can see (kinda) the second 6+2 comes out of the back of the first, it's both of those that are plugged into the respective 8 and 6pin ports on the 970 - so it is safe for the card to be supplied by one wire to both ports that is split like that?

PCIe 1 2x 6+2-pin (60cm-75cm)
PCIe 2 2x 6+2-pin (60cm-75cm)

So you are asking is it fine to run that card on a single cable PCIe1 or PCie2 but not PCIe1 + PCie2 the answer is YES... again if Corsair provides 2x6+2 pin cables so it means both PSU and cables are designed to handle 300W on a single PCIe rail.
In fact you are even able to run 2x980 cards with 4x8 pins with this PSU and each card would be supplied from its own rail.

It's more the GPU I'm worried about, I don't want it to be getting less power than it needs because it's split - I assume then that this isn't something I need to worry about?

Its 970 mate this PSU can handle far more than this card with no problems. So i will repeat for the 3rd time... forget about it and have fun... the answers which suggests otherwise are simply trolling.