Whether or not this dev kit is actually legitimate is still up in the air...
Supposed Xbox Durango Dev Kit Sells for 20K : Read more
Supposed Xbox Durango Dev Kit Sells for 20K : Read more
Have you read anything at all about Ouya? It does not have the power of a PS3, let alone an Xbox 360. It has the processor and on-die GPU of a tablet - which is designed to almost look pretty at maybe 1280x720 (not 1080p)...... that is a stupid design and more reason that talented developers should get behind OUYA. It has enough horse power to do close to the same as PS3 and XBOX360 and only for 100 bones.
I'm not following you here. You're saying the 360 and PS3 aren't any more powerful than Ouya because the two have untapped potential? While I totally agree that they do have untapped potential (PS3 especially - its hardware is just too frustrating to work with, to my knowledge), I would venture to say that means they have more power than Ouya.Anyone who thinks the processing power behind XBOX360 and PS3 is way better, doesn't understand that developers STILL arent even close to taping into those other cores.
Yes, and Ouya's tablet-grade GPU isn't comparable to even the 360's Xenos GPU - the Xenos is capable of 240 GFLOPS, compared to Tegra 3's 12 GFLOPS (both clocked at 500MHz).Right now the better console = the better GPU, JUST LIKE PC's.