Supposedly New Xbox Logo Leaked, Has Infinity Loop

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I don't normally do this, but who cares? Are we this desperate for any type of next-gen news? It's a name. It's going to end up being called the Xbox regardless.
Thats the symbol you will see spinning endlessly on start day while your Xbox desperately trys to connect to Microsoft servers for always online fun.
And all the 12 year old kids go wild over any news concerning the next item they'll whine, beg, and plead to their parents for 24/7 until they break down and buy for the spoiled little brats.
I'm sorry, shouldn't have went there.

Well played, Sir.
sorry m$ this will likely be the first console i will not buy. (have ever console made since the intellivision) but requirign xbox live subscription for basic uses liek netflix means i am not buying your consoles.... also windows 8 sucks and i will be keeping with 7 and look forward to not buying another operating system from you as I now use linux for everything but gaming.. hipefully soon that also will not be an issue
From a wider view, I question the use of Infinity as a name for an iteration of a series. It's hard to see a path forward with such a naming structure, and raises expectations too high. Looking past this console, what do you name the next Xbox, Infinite Plus? Infinity Two?
It may be a trite topic right now, but it shows a bit of lack of forward thinking. It's why I always thought it was an unlikely retail name - possibly a good development name, not retail. It's best to keep the naming structure non-terminal. Stay away from words like infinite, superior, ultimate... it usually doesn't end very well.

Give it 10 years. They'll have to call another XBOX "To Infinity and Beyond". Disney will love them for it.
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