I have this system
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
b450m Aorus M mobo
AORUS GeForce RTX™ 2080 Ti 11G
Gigabyte P750GM PSU
and I have been getting random crashes and monitor screen goes black with the computers fans still running, I thought I fixed it, i updated all drivers and ran CPU stress test and furmark for several hours and all was good but then it started again recently.
I have tried
this CPU in a different mobo - OK
different CPU in this mobo - OK
this RAM in a different mobo - OK
different RAM in this mobo - OK
basic GPU in this mobo - OK
this GPU in different mobo - OK
So I investigated further and this https://www.gigabyte.com/Graphics-Card/GV-N208TAORUS-11GC/sp#sp says my GPU needs a 750W PSU but all the PSU calulators online say 427 - 700W so what do I trust?
I tried a coolermaster RS-650-PCAR-E3 650W PSU and when I ran Furmark the PSU started making a high pitch squeal then there was a funny smell kind of like burning I guess so I turned it off straightaway. The PSU still works but I have not repeated Furmark again.
I suspect it is the PSU but what size PSU should I get as the information on the GPU website contradicts all the PSU calculators.
I have this system
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
b450m Aorus M mobo
AORUS GeForce RTX™ 2080 Ti 11G
Gigabyte P750GM PSU
and I have been getting random crashes and monitor screen goes black with the computers fans still running, I thought I fixed it, i updated all drivers and ran CPU stress test and furmark for several hours and all was good but then it started again recently.
I have tried
this CPU in a different mobo - OK
different CPU in this mobo - OK
this RAM in a different mobo - OK
different RAM in this mobo - OK
basic GPU in this mobo - OK
this GPU in different mobo - OK
So I investigated further and this https://www.gigabyte.com/Graphics-Card/GV-N208TAORUS-11GC/sp#sp says my GPU needs a 750W PSU but all the PSU calulators online say 427 - 700W so what do I trust?
I tried a coolermaster RS-650-PCAR-E3 650W PSU and when I ran Furmark the PSU started making a high pitch squeal then there was a funny smell kind of like burning I guess so I turned it off straightaway. The PSU still works but I have not repeated Furmark again.
I suspect it is the PSU but what size PSU should I get as the information on the GPU website contradicts all the PSU calculators.