[SOLVED] Svchost.exe(utcsvc -p) what does it do? Do it upload my data?


Jul 6, 2018
Dear all

When I Copied / Ctrl. C a PNG file (file A) in Windows Explorer, I noted that Svchost.exe(utcsvc -p) began upload activity after 10 seconds (Resource Monitor). I tried Ctrl. C the file again, and again after 10 seconds Svchost.exe(utcsvc -p) began upload activity. I tried Ctrl. C the file 8 more times, and none of the 8 times Svchost.exe(utcsvc -p) began upload.

I tried reading and understanding what Svchost.exe(utcsvc -p) does:
The purpose of the Utcsvc.exe file is to collect data telemetry according to the selected telemetry level for the particular version of Windows

Has any of the PNG file data (file A) been uploaded?

Why did Svchost.exe(utcsvc -p) begin upload when I Ctrl. C / copied the file?

Thanks for replying

Best regards
Microsoft is committed to making its Windows 10 product better. One of the most effective methods to do so is by collecting customer feedback, analyzing their problems and pushing the resolution through updates. Microsoft collects this information through the Universal Telemetry Client (UTC) software which in turn runs a service named Diagnostic Tracking Service or DiagTrack.

so if any data did get sent anywhere it was only to Microsoft.

sometimes it can be a virus pretending to be the MS service, so try running an Anti virus scan

it seems the real one should only send data on logon & logoff = https://www.zdnet.com/article/windows-10-telemetry-secrets/
1| It shouldn't, no.

2| Where did you source the installed for your OS? On a side note, what sort of speeds are you seeing when you copy over data? Can you specify which drive you tried to copy from and paste to?(like physical drives, not Drive letters).
Microsoft is committed to making its Windows 10 product better. One of the most effective methods to do so is by collecting customer feedback, analyzing their problems and pushing the resolution through updates. Microsoft collects this information through the Universal Telemetry Client (UTC) software which in turn runs a service named Diagnostic Tracking Service or DiagTrack.

so if any data did get sent anywhere it was only to Microsoft.

sometimes it can be a virus pretending to be the MS service, so try running an Anti virus scan

it seems the real one should only send data on logon & logoff = https://www.zdnet.com/article/windows-10-telemetry-secrets/