I have an HP Omen Pro 15 with a K1100M. Can I swap it for another Kx100M card? They made up to a K5100M as far as I know. Because of what I payed for the laptop a few years ago, I wouldn't mind spending a few hundred dollars on a better GPU. Frankly, it works fine as is. I just do CAD on it and do the majority of the heavy lifting with cloud based programs when I can. Would be nice to have more GPU for when my internet connection is acting up, though. The CAD/CAM I do isn't anything really crazy, but faster would be better. I imagine that a K1100M produces less heat than a K5100M, but I'm wondering if they used the same GPU cooler on this as on the higher performance GPUs in the same laptop. Also, I really don't know what other GPUs were an option for this laptop, since I got it used. Maybe the top tier for this laptop was a K3100M or something. No clue.