Swapping Geforce 210 for Quadro 2000


May 6, 2016
I just bought a refurb Lenovo E31 and they shipped it to me with a Geforce 210 instead of the Quadro 2000 which they advertised.

Now they are sending me the Quadro 2000 to swap out for myself.

Ive never built a pc or changed a component.

I've searched for videos showing how to do it but to no avail.

Is it as simple as unplugging the old one and replacing it with the new and i'm good to go?

Any advice appreciated.

Basically yeah. There will be a small latch on the end of the PCIe slot that you'll need to press to unlock the video card from the slot, just unscrew the card from the PCIe bracket, press the latch (it can also be a little lever that you need to hold in whilst pulling the graphics card out of the slot), insert the new card and the latch should lock the card in place.

You'll need to uninstall the GeForce drivers and then install the Quadro drivers, use something like DDU (http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/display-driver-uninstaller-download.html) to uninstall the drivers.
Basically yeah. There will be a small latch on the end of the PCIe slot that you'll need to press to unlock the video card from the slot, just unscrew the card from the PCIe bracket, press the latch (it can also be a little lever that you need to hold in whilst pulling the graphics card out of the slot), insert the new card and the latch should lock the card in place.

You'll need to uninstall the GeForce drivers and then install the Quadro drivers, use something like DDU (http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/display-driver-uninstaller-download.html) to uninstall the drivers.
Thanks for all the answers great help. Probably a stupid question but... Do I need to install the drivers for the new card 1st? As how will I see anything on the display if I don't install the drivers? The monitor outputs that come straight from the motherboard transmit no signal so I'm using the ones from the card.
You can't install the driver without the card installed (well under normal circumstances)

Graphics cards have onboard firmware that is capable of running a display. You won't be able to set the resolution and most of the cards features will be unavailable. You will be able to download and install the drivers. After a reboot everything will be ready to go.