Switching main screen from broken monitor to working (secondary) monitor in Windows 10. Suggestions?

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Oct 15, 2018
Hello, I believe my laptop monitor is damaged and I need to figure out how to switch the main desktop screen to my secondary monitor.

This morning I turned on the laptop and the primary monitor stayed black while Windows 10 booted. Fortunately, I have a secondary HDMI monitor that is currently displaying its half of the desktop just fine, but I can't get any programs or folders to load on this working screen...they all open on the broken monitor. I even have the "display settings" window open and I can see it in the bottom tray but I can't seem to drag it over to the working monitor screen with the mouse. Frustrating!

Any ideas?? Thanks in advance.
Yeah, you are using the setting that just extends your current desktop to the new monitor. You need to change to the setting that mirrors it. There is usually a hotkey on laptop that is win + P
Oct 15, 2018

That fixed it. Many, many thanks!
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