SWTOR An Exclusive Download for EA's New "Origin"

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SWTOR is a cross-platform MMO right? I'm thinking if a person like myself who'd be looking for a traditional mmo style, might think it sucks? I still play kotor 1 and 2... but idk... i definitely wont be an early adopter.

Origin, i guess its good that its just one more option for the consumer.

PC/Windows only

and it is a traditional MMORPG

If WOW and Mass Effect had a love child it would be SWTOR
This game's size would probably reach around 20gb or something :/ Good luck with that.

For MMOs its best to get the box. Itll save you more time and spare you from the hassle.
Why should I care about this?
Sounds like just another direct2drive digital download store.

As for SW:TOR, I find it Highly unlikely that, at launch, Origin will be the only place you will be able buy it digitally. It makes no sense.

You make a game as big (and expensive) as SW:TOR, you want it to be available everywhere. Not just one digital retailer (who is not even one of the top digital retailers).

Here is my prediction: at Launch TOR will be available from at least 3 digital retailers (including directly from the TOR site) and each retailer (physical and digital) will offer different Pre-order/CE swag items.
Until EA stops having a 1 year download window on their digital games(2 years for a fee i think) I wont buy shit from them. Steam FTW.
I'm very un-excited about origin. One of the big things I was looking forward to about SWTOR over WoW is that I thought it would be on Steam where I can talk to my friends who are playing other games and keep track of them.

If I wasn't so wary of EA's money grubbing trends I would be more ok with trying it out. EA has had a tendency lately to try to bleed cash out of its customers by messing with the line that defines what should be DLC and what should be part of the original game purchase.

Message to EA, if you want me to use Origin over Steam and give you the extra revenue then you need to start showing me you can be responsible and not make so many blatant attempts to take DLC to extremes. DLC is not a bad thing, selling me half a game at $60 and then making me pay that again for DLC that should have come with the game is. DLC should always be value added not required to enjoy the game.
LOL, well there goes any hope of me buying that game. I don't support piss-poor business practices. GG EA.
I have faith in Steam due largely in part to Valve's customer relations from history. If history is any indicator for EA, they can go ahead and #### themselves. I do not trust this company from so much wrongdoing - the same applies to however large Activision is looking to take their paid subscription plans in the near future.
Steam is a great platform that's already strongly rooted in the digital download market, it would take a lot to compete with them successfully, certainly a lot more than EA is capable of. Valve has great customer service, smart marketing, reasonably priced deals, and a personality, all of which EA lacks.

However, I guess EA has the capability to reach out to all the CODkiddies and Halobois that know nothing of PC gaming, and we all know that is a market that just loves to be exploited.
Origin used to be a game development company. One that EA absorbed oh... what... 15 years ago maybe? (And eventually closed like 6 years ago.) They created some of the most memorable game series ever, including Ultima and Wing Commander. Anyone age 30-50 who played games throughout the mid-late 80's and the 90's probably played a few Origin titles, and likely loved them. And now EA chooses to create their own Steam-like "service" and throw one of the most memorable developer names in history on it? For what, nostalgia? What a slap in the face.
[citation][nom]RazberyBandit[/nom]And now EA chooses to create their own Steam-like "service" and throw one of the most memorable developer names in history on it? For what, nostalgia? What a slap in the face.[/citation]

I was thinking this exact same thing. This is insulting to those of us who grew up playing and loving Origin Systems video games. Maybe they think they can leverage the name to get more sales, but those of us who would be familiar with the name will just give EA the middle finger.

Though really, I give them the middle finger anyway. Pressure from EA is likely what dumbed-down Mass Effect and Dragon Age, as well as turned Crysis into a ridiculous (and short) console-to-PC port instead of a powerful PC game like its predecessor.

I hold out hope for Battlefield 3 though. EA seems to be letting DICE take the limiters off for the PC version, and that makes me happy. I still fear it will be a short-ass game in the end.
I wish the old republic wasn't going to be just another mmo that's effectively a polished everquest clone... so much wasted potential. Is everyone incapable of making an mmo that doesn't use the everquest system or something?
[citation][nom]souve[/nom]I wish the old republic wasn't going to be just another mmo that's effectively a polished everquest clone... so much wasted potential. Is everyone incapable of making an mmo that doesn't use the everquest system or something?[/citation]

Why would anyone want to put in the time and money to create a game that may or may not revolutionize the MMO game model? When instead you can just remodel the characters to target the fans of your specific target areas. Slap Star trek and Star wars faces on character models and you got the future sci-fi fan gamers upturning their pockets, and Warhammer/LotR for the fantasy sci-fi folks.
We've stopped buying games because they change the way we play, instead we buy games so we can play out the roles of our favorite fantasy characters.
Its not that companies can't create new games. The consumers (us) just keep buying the same game with new faces. Fact is WE support the curret game structures, until that changes companies have no reason to change much of anything. Why fix what isn't broken?
iwe used ea once on my older battle field it told me i cant donwload updates cus i dident haw a active account and needed to buy some thing in order to download my bf content agen, EA i will newer go back to you ewer EWER!, steam ftw
What they didn't mention in this article is that you can only download the games you purchase for 6 months, then you have to buy your game over again if you want to redownload.

I swear it's like these big gaming companies don't actually employ any gamers. It's all ran by greedy old guys and accountants.
EA doesn't allow downloadable demos because if you have a chance to play a taster you will get to see what a POS game it is and not buy the full version.

Better to fool the consumer into buying a POS game in full.
'The software basically allows consumers to purchase EA titles "any time and any place you want."'

Actually, Origin restricts you to the store associated with your geographical location, where many games may not be available, including SWTOR. There is not even an option to change the language of the Origin store, so if, for instance, you only speak English, and you happen to be located in a country where English is not the main language, you will not be able to use Origin at all. It is just another way the entertainment industry is trying to restrict who can access what.
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