Windows has a built in firewall that is just fine for most users.....don't sit there and tell my they aren't FAR more likely to get infected by gambling online and downloading their porn.
For support, retail PC users have their manufacturer (which is no worse than Symantec's support, who probably sit in the very next cubicle at the call center), retail OS purchasers have MS support (which contrary to some rants, is excellent).
Having a firewall and blocking intrusions are the same things, unless you mean updates to the OS, which Norton doesn't do anyway, Windows updates does.
Webpage scanners and safe/block lists slow down your system and are mostly based on user input anyway. Someone has to get infected first for the flags to go up...Symantec doesn't care if its you.
Their backup and recovery options are no better than free options and other WAY better commercial options are out there for less money.
...basically for all of their points, I either don't need that "feature" or it blows, really, really hard. (except for the sucking it does of system resources)