Symptomatic of a failing PSU?


Feb 23, 2017
To begin with, I appreciate you taking the time to review this inquiry.

I have recently began to experience what I call screen blackouts, in that both of my monitors basically go to standby mode and the GPU fan goes into overdrive, strangely enough though I was still able to use programs running in the background as I was able to still use Discord to communicate and pause/play my music applications with my keyboard. Also, I have noticed that the front case fan's blue LED has began to flicker and slowly fade, randomly shining like it was before these problems have started only to then fade into a barely noticeable light.

All of these problems began after my area had experienced random blackouts in a short period of time of about two days.

I have recently switched my surge protector with a newer one that I wasn't using and have what I hope systematically debunked any other piece of hardware to be at fault; I have updated the BIOS to its most recent version, I have tested the GPU in a different computer, and I even took the casing off of the PSU to thoroughly dust it and examine if any of the capacitors have bulged or corroded. I noticed that the very large capacitor had a very slight bulge but not enough to really say that it was bad. Files seem to be completely fine in that I have not notice any change in my documents or programs, so I highly doubt that it would have anything to do with any of the harddrives.

My GPU rarely goes above 56C, in fact, everything stays within a reasonable temperature.

The computer boots fine, and is able to generally stay on for about six hours at least before these blackouts start to happen. Everything seems to be pointing to a failing PSU in my opinion, the PSU is approaching is four year mark and has basically been on consistently from the day I received it. I unfortunately do not have a working multimeter to manually test out the PSU. I have began to shutdown the computer before I go to work or go to sleep, I used to just keep it on all of time.

Did I miss anything that could be symptomatic of something else? I apologize if I provided too much information or not enough.

GPU: GeForce GTX 760 2GB
CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K @ 3.4 GHz
RAM: 16GB DDR3 @1600MHz
MOBO: ASRock B85 Pro4
HDD: 120GB Kingston SSD x2