[SOLVED] sync ARGB & RGB from motherboard headers


May 31, 2014
I have had some RGB issues with various cases/motherboards/fans /liquid coolers
most motherboards these days have both RGB 4 pin header and a ARGB 3 pin header( currently using a ASUS TUF B365M-GAMING PLUS)
my case came with one ARGB fan and a light strip on the front panel which are connected to a adapter than allows multiple connection via ARGB 3 pin plugs( the light strip connects to this via a non standard connector ie it doesnt have the std 3 pin ARGB connector) and I have a coolermaster 240 RGB liquid cooler that has RGB on the pump block and 2 fans that use the RGB 4 pin connectors, the case block can be controlled via the reset switch or a cable that connects to a 3 pin ARBG connector on the MB(reset switch cable plugged into the reset switch header on MB), the cooler came with a 4pin RGB splitter cable which I have the fans and the cooler pump hooked up to the MB via the 4 pin RGB header( downloaded the asus AURA sync software)

the problem is I can only adjust the 4 pin RGB items and cannot control the 3 pin ARGB items, so is it possible to sync all the rgb devices or can you only access one family of devices on a single MB...I can easily change the single fan to a 4 pin RGB fan but that will leave the front panel light strip uncontrollable