Synchronization of buses speed



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

Does synchronization makes the computer faster. I mean if I make the
speed of the FSB running at speed similar to the memory speed. For
example if I have DDR200 then I will make sure I will have a CPU with
FSB 400 and the motherboard should support FSB 400. Is this the
ulitmate goal of a computer designer in term of the speed?? or
Synchromization is not important??

Any help would be appreciate it .. thanks..


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

On Tue, 13 Apr 2004 08:41:31 -0700, esara wrote:

> Does synchronization makes the computer faster. I mean if I make the
> speed of the FSB running at speed similar to the memory speed. For
> example if I have DDR200 then I will make sure I will have a CPU with
> FSB 400 and the motherboard should support FSB 400. Is this the
> ulitmate goal of a computer designer in term of the speed?? or
> Synchromization is not important??
You want the data rate to match the FSB speed for best performance, With
DDR ram that means running them in sync. With non DDR (PC100/133/150) ram
and a a DDR FSB, you want the ram running as fast as possible.

Abit KT7-Raid (KT133) Tbred B core CPU @2400MHz (24x100FSB)


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt (More info?)

Wes Newell wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Apr 2004 08:41:31 -0700, esara wrote:
>>Does synchronization makes the computer faster. I mean if I make the
>>speed of the FSB running at speed similar to the memory speed. For
>>example if I have DDR200 then I will make sure I will have a CPU with
>>FSB 400 and the motherboard should support FSB 400. Is this the
>>ulitmate goal of a computer designer in term of the speed?? or
>>Synchromization is not important??
> You want the data rate to match the FSB speed for best performance, With
> DDR ram that means running them in sync. With non DDR (PC100/133/150) ram
> and a a DDR FSB, you want the ram running as fast as possible.

Even this doesn't seem to help. I tried this with a 1Ghz Duron and ran
the memory at 133Mhz and it actually benchmarked slower than when the
memory was running at 100Mhz.