System Build for fast HD/4K Image/Video Rendering (3 budgets)


Mar 30, 2016
Hi all,

I am looking for a system build primarily for rendering 3D HD/4K image/video's.

This will be my first build. I would like to know where possible NOT to compromise on quality of parts. i.e. the parts you MUST have.

Parts can come from anywhere, no preference of retailer, as this will be a slow build over time. Open to suggestions like using 2 GPU's if it would make a difference.

3 budgets if possible, gold (best), silver (middle), bronze (capable, minimal requirements for effective results) sort of speak.

I dont have a particular figure in mind as I do not know how much it should cost.

I would love to hear from you all with explanations of why these parts are your choice.

Thanks in advance
A good system for editing 4k video is about $1,000 + with most of it going to the CPU, is that what you were looking at? You can easily do it for half the price, will just be slower in rendering. You are better off waiting till you can buy all the parts at once, unless you are talking about weeks or a few months. If you stretch it out over longer you can end up with parts that are already replaced by a newer generation that cost as much as what you paid for a slower part months before.
A good system for editing 4k video is about $1,000 + with most of it going to the CPU, is that what you were looking at? You can easily do it for half the price, will just be slower in rendering. You are better off waiting till you can buy all the parts at once, unless you are talking about weeks or a few months. If you stretch it out over longer you can end up with parts that are already replaced by a newer generation that cost as much as what you paid for a slower part months before.

Great point. Its something that I plan to build over 4-6weeks.

The primary use will be HD 3D image rendering, and I would like a very quick and efficient turnaround on renders. Using software such as VRay, Maxwell Render and equivalent.

I believe CPU Cores are important for such use, more the better is that correct?

I detailed list would be very helpful using

Many Thanks
So I have been researching and have come up with this setup so far...

Would like to know everyones thoughts...

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor (£289.98 @ Ebuyer)
CPU Cooler: Swiftech H240-X 90.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler
Motherboard: MSI Z170A GAMING M5 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (£141.66 @ Amazon UK)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 64GB (4 x 16GB) DDR4-3333 Memory (£392.26 @ More Computers)
Storage: Samsung 840 Pro Series 256GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (£134.00 @ Amazon UK)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£39.95 @ Amazon UK)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB Video Card (2-Way SLI) (£559.99 @ Novatech)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB Video Card (2-Way SLI) (£559.99 @ Novatech)
Total: £2117.83
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-03-31 17:17 BST+0100

Of course you right!!... although 6gb is a good benchmark for rendering... 12gb would be a lot better... TITAN X it may have to be!!!
Final checklist...

Although I will wait until the Core i7-5960X successor (Core i7-6950X) is launched. And revisit then.

PCPartPicker part list:
Price breakdown by merchant:

CPU: Intel Core i7-5960X 3.0GHz 8-Core Processor ($999.99 @ SuperBiiz)
CPU Cooler: Corsair H100i 77.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($168.99 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: MSI X99A GAMING 9 ACK EATX LGA2011-3 Motherboard ($399.99 @ Amazon)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 64GB (4 x 16GB) DDR4-3333 Memory ($499.99 @ Amazon)
Storage: Samsung 840 Pro Series 256GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($199.89 @ OutletPC)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($48.75 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX Titan X 12GB Superclocked Video Card ($1061.49 @ Adorama)
Case: Corsair 760T Black ATX Full Tower Case ($169.99 @ Amazon)
Power Supply: EVGA 850W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($119.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $3669.07
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-04-01 07:51 EDT-0400