This has to be one of the best system builders yet. While holding back the urge you guys must have had to shower the description of the $1200 build with a tirade of expletives worthy of its dire performance, you have managed to clearly warn every sensible enthusiast off of buying the new AMD bulldozer architecture - Well done!
I have to admit I am rather shocked at Bulldozers disparaging performance, and principally for one reason:
In late 2009 I purchased an AMD phenom X2 550BE for £60 ($95). Unlocked and overclocked it has run as a quad core @3.8 Ghz since then. 3 years on AMD is selling a $160 piece of trash with the same (or sometimes less) performance! Un-Fracking-Believable! I really hope Rory Read's sitting on a Golden Goose (and not another Spruce Goose) because I really can't see where they are going to go from here.
I have to admit I am rather shocked at Bulldozers disparaging performance, and principally for one reason:
In late 2009 I purchased an AMD phenom X2 550BE for £60 ($95). Unlocked and overclocked it has run as a quad core @3.8 Ghz since then. 3 years on AMD is selling a $160 piece of trash with the same (or sometimes less) performance! Un-Fracking-Believable! I really hope Rory Read's sitting on a Golden Goose (and not another Spruce Goose) because I really can't see where they are going to go from here.