f-14 :
pretty much what i expected from the deficiencies in the the GPU's, the M/B, PSU, Case. and CPU Cooler
asrock= well known for riddled bios
asrock= well known for riddled bios
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and driver problems
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and poor GPU slot layout
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not to mention lack of 32 PCIE lanes (8,4,4 really?
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come on guy you can get that on a 1366/1156/1155/1150 socket)
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1 of the GPU's back so tight it sucks air thru a 1CM crack
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Case that is poorly ventilated air flow design considering the CPU and 3 GPU's planned for it, was sucking out more air than the front fan could ever hope to provide, that's a serious problem considering the parts and what was being attempted.
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over priced PSU lacking sufficient power for TRI SLI from 3 of the higher end of the spectrum of mid-range cards.
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AIR COOLED CPU COOLER, over sized, and over priced compared to a lighter cheap better regulated thick radiator boxed closed loop water cooler for one of the highest and hotter Intel CPU's
f-14 :
i knew just the parts alone it was going to over heat and have driver bios problems.
I already admitted that the Extreme4 would have been a better choice than the Extreme6. The CPU unexpectedly ran hotter and with more current use than past samples, and that makes sense since more current = more heat. On the other hand, I'm willing to entertain ANY suggestions you might have for a reduced-price power supply upgrade.