I was pleasantly surprised at how easy this article was to understand and follow (for a first time builder). I have been wanting to build my own budget gaming PC for awhile, but it's been hard to find any solid information on the subject without getting into the $600+ range.
I know I wont follow this build to the letter, but as a starting off point to give me a baseline to work with it's been very helpful. Actually, I went ahead and added everything in it to my cart on newegg just so I can easily reference the various parts while I search for the best prices and alternative components that make sense for my needs and desires (such as possibly swapping out the, now discontinued, CD/DVD drive for a $30 Blu Ray drive instead (or maybe just going without one for now and buying a external DVD player later).
The biggest change I would probably make (other than going with no optical) would be to look for a smaller, and cheaper, HDD and just add a second HDD later when I got more cash.
Course, I'm more concerned with just getting a baseline system as cheap as I can (without hurting gaming performance) and then upgrading other aspects as and when needed. But still, as is, this build is pretty baseline already, and that's a great thing for people like me.