System Crashes/Bluescreens


Dec 16, 2011
I am really struggling with why my system keeps hanging up and crashing on me. Im running an Asus M4A785T mobo with AMD Phenom II X6 1090T cpu with 8gb Kingston HyperX 1333 none of which is overclocked. The crash reports im getting are as follows...

IRQL Not Less or Equal
Cache Manager
Memory Management

Most of the times the crashes occur is when I do cold will freeze up or Bluescreen after the 1st few minutes after starting up. Once the system is warmed up...runs fine.. Ive done memory tests...all report no errors, Ive run Prime95 for hours and it not crash on me once during that time. Today...I tried going back down to the next older Bios version, and that just made it worse.. System was hanging up on me in the setup screen.

After numorous attempts to get back into the Asus EasyFlash menu...I was able to get the Bios version back to the original and the newest version that ive been running that is available for this board. Im not sure if I have a faulty ram module or my cpu is acting up. The behavior of this thing is very odd to me.

I have 4 ram slots on my board and I have only 2 modules using up 2/4. I have them both in the 2 slots farthest from the cpu and not sure if that is the correct setup, whether to put 1 in slot A1 and the other in B1 or vice versa.. Slots are color coded Blue and Black.

My other thought that I could have a bad hard drive, and I have tried 2 drives so far(320gb and 160gb) and its doing the same thing on both...but its worse on the 160 ...both drives are at least 5 yrs old. A bad install of Windows maybe...not sure.

If anyone can help me out with this issue Id gladly appreciate it... This system is about 2 weeks old but shouldnt be acting like this. :(


Dec 16, 2011
Ok....I didnt get a manual with this was a pre-built barebone kit w/tower and I just built it up from there.. Slot 1 is the closest to the cpu right? Could this be the cause of my bluescreens with the slots I have the ram in now?


Dec 16, 2011
Thanks for that appears with the way I have it set up now is I have stick in A1 and the other in B1 which are in both of the blue slots....could this be my problem?

Manual says Channel A is Dimm_A1(Blue) and Dimm_A2(Black), and Channel B is Dimm_B1(Blue) and Dimm_B2(Black).