System fans will not calm down


Jan 7, 2017
I have confirmed its not the gpu fans, and i dont think its the cpu fan since thats just the stock intel one, but my pc gets loud when i enter a game, my temps are by no means high, actually i usually stay under 50s i think this is because where i live is actually a preatty cool place, the thing is, if i exit the game and my temps go down to the 30s the fans still are going all out, untill i go to sleep or restart the sysatem, i realise my system is useing the stock fans that came with the case (Phanteks btw) but is there a way to tell them to calm down? am I missing something, this isnt a problem, just an anoying detail, I am completedly open to buy new fans btw, these are preatty loud, any recomendatiosn for that as well? I love the LED ones from corsair, but i was hopping for green glow.
OK, so your mobo's manual indicates that two of the CHA_FAN headers (# 1 and 2) are 4-pin and use only PWM Mode, and CHA_FAN3 has only 3 pins but does not do any control of fans at all. That last one is only a fixed 12 VDC supply header. Thus, only CHA_FAN1 and 2 can control fans, and ONLY can do so for 4-pin fans. You have 3-pin fans, so they will always run full speed when plugged into any of those CHA_FAN headers.

Your only option to achieve automatic mobo control of your case fans is to use the Phanetks PWM HUb. It needs to connect to a PWM Mode header, and either the CHA_FAN1 or 2 header is suitable. It CAN power AND control the speed of your 3-pin fans. But I see from the case manual that this Hub is NOT included with your case...


I would bet that the fans included in your case are of the 3-pin design, not 4-pin. Any 3-pin fan plugged into a mobo header that uses PWM Mode (suited to 4-pin fans only) will run at full speed all the time. SOME mobo headers can be reconfigured to use the older Voltage Control Mode that can handle 3-pin fans properly. So, tell us your exact mobo maker and model so we can check its manual.

The other solution MAY be there already. Many Phanteks cases come with their PWM Hub which is a unique design that CAN handle 3-pin fans, but only if the mobo header you connect it to is of the 4-pin type using PWM Mode. So, do you have a Phanteks PWM Hub in your case?


Jan 7, 2017

HI! sorry i took so long to answer, my case is the Phanteks Eclipse P400, its not old at all, i made this build around 6 or 7 months ago, as for the pins i would need to pull out the side panel and as it is right now i would rather l;eave it as is unless i am changeing something inside. the MOBO is an Asrock Z170 Pro4s which has 4 pins for the fans i can see them on the manual.

about going into the bios, i dont tinger alot in there, actually i try not to go in at all x3 but the problem isnt that they arent quiet, they can be definetly quiet, the thing is they wont calm down afterwards.

Also i would like to doubt if it is my actuall case fans, as i have no way to determine if its the case fans of the cpu fan, although this is the basic one that intels provides and i doubt it is the case.


OK, so your mobo's manual indicates that two of the CHA_FAN headers (# 1 and 2) are 4-pin and use only PWM Mode, and CHA_FAN3 has only 3 pins but does not do any control of fans at all. That last one is only a fixed 12 VDC supply header. Thus, only CHA_FAN1 and 2 can control fans, and ONLY can do so for 4-pin fans. You have 3-pin fans, so they will always run full speed when plugged into any of those CHA_FAN headers.

Your only option to achieve automatic mobo control of your case fans is to use the Phanetks PWM HUb. It needs to connect to a PWM Mode header, and either the CHA_FAN1 or 2 header is suitable. It CAN power AND control the speed of your 3-pin fans. But I see from the case manual that this Hub is NOT included with your case. It is listed in the manual as an optional accessory, with instructions how to mount it. So you would need to buy this item.

If you do this, there is one part of the Hub's instructions you should NOT follow. It says you must plug the Hub's fan connector into your mobo's CPU_FAN header, and then plug the actual CPU cooler into the Hub's white Port #1. That is only because they want to be sure that the header you plug the Hub into does provide the PWM signal it needs. But your CHA_FAN1 and 2 headers DO provide that. So, plug the Hub into one of those and leave your CPU cooler plugged into the CPU_FAN header. Then connect your case fans to the Hub, making sure to connect one of them to the white Port#1. Then see your mobo manual, p. 72. It says in BIOS Setup for each of those two CHA_FAN headers you can set the Source of the Temperature reading used to control the fans on that header. You should set that to the sensor on the Motherboard, and not to the sensor built into the CPU chip. If you make that change in BIOS Setup, be sure to SAVE and EXIT.


Jan 7, 2017

I understand the issue and what i would need to do, but i find it easyer to just buy good 4 pin fans to be honest then, do you have any recomendations for good fans?


I'm kinda biased in favour of Noctua fans. You need 120mm size for case ventilation, which means you need highest airflow, lowest noise, and do not need high pressure. The best in the Noctua line is their NF-S12A PWM model, with air flow 107 m3/hr (63 CFM), noise 18 dBA, pressure 1.2mm. (It comes with a "Low Noise Adapter" - do NOT use it.) Priced around US$20. Their very similar model NF-S12B Redux 1200 PWM has flow 100 m3/hr (59 CFM), noise virtually the same, and press. 1.3 mm, but it is significantly cheaper (about US$14) than the first one.

The Phanteks PH-F120XP has air flow 62 CFM, noise 27 dBA, press. 1.7 mm, price under US$14. They have a few others. The 4-pin fans that use PWM have model numbers ending in "P".

The Corsair website seems only to list 3-pin fans. But some hunting found their "ML" line, like the ML120 PWM model, model no. CO-9050039-WW (twin pack) air flow 75 CFM, noise 37 dBA, press. 4 mm, sells for about US$33 for the pair.

There are lots of others!

The Corsair ML spec's reminded me of something. That unit runs at high rpm, generating more noise and a lot of air flow. In a system under automatic control based on measured temperature, the control system would slow that fan down until the air flow was sufficient to deliver the same cooling as another fan. That certainly would reduce the noise. But you can't tell just how much that reduction would be. You may note that the Noctua units deliver air over 60 CFM at MUCH less noise than that Corsair ML unit generates at 75 CFM flow.

If you find a fan and want me to help you understand its specs, etc., post maker and model here (maybe with website link?).

I believe your case came with two 120 mm fans so you plan to install only two as replacements. Your mobo's two SYS_FAN headers can handle that simply. But if you want more fans, tell us your plan for advice on how to connect them.