We have been running a lighting system with 2 dimmer packs and only have 1 matrix. We do not have any fancy moving lights. The computer we use at the moment is 10 years old and has never been upgraded. It runs windows xp as well. To run the latest M-PC program would I need to get a full new computer or would I just upgrade the components? The problems with the computer are thought to be connected with memory problems and memory. But I think the whole computer needs replaced as it wasn't high standard 10 years back.
Link to the program http://www.martin.com/en-us/product-details/m-pc
We do not need anything over the top and would just need a realistically priced computer.
Thanks for your time
We have been running a lighting system with 2 dimmer packs and only have 1 matrix. We do not have any fancy moving lights. The computer we use at the moment is 10 years old and has never been upgraded. It runs windows xp as well. To run the latest M-PC program would I need to get a full new computer or would I just upgrade the components? The problems with the computer are thought to be connected with memory problems and memory. But I think the whole computer needs replaced as it wasn't high standard 10 years back.
Link to the program http://www.martin.com/en-us/product-details/m-pc
We do not need anything over the top and would just need a realistically priced computer.
Thanks for your time