It's a lot when gaming, since the game itself takes like 80%. With that added, my cpu is maxed and discord gets delayed and my whole pc does too.
8gb ram ddr3 (2x4gb)
Dell Optiplex 7010 MOBO
RX480 4gb
EVGA 500BR 80+ bronze psu
120gb ssd
1tb Hdd.
Like the whole pc reaches 100% easily because of this extra process. It didn't happen before. It started happening once I discovered I had a memory leak, like I booted up and started with 6gb in use. I fixed it with the sfc/scannow thingy. Then I went back to a regular 2gb when booting up. But now, for example: I'm in a lobby, system process only uses 1%. As soon as I get into a match, it goes up to 30%, and the game itself consumes the rest 70%. I know cpu is a bit outdated but it is fine, it worked before. Thanks for help