Question System sees two GPUs in wrong order


Jul 30, 2020
i have two GPUs in my PC. the primary one sits in the top slot, and the secondary in a lower slot.
but for some reason, the system wants to treat the top GPU as "GPU1" and the bottom GPU as "GPU0", meaning it prioritizes the secondary GPU over the primary one.
this has the effect that when im booting up the PC, the boot screen gets sent through the secondary GPU only. same with the BIOS.
only problem is that the secondary GPU is hooked up to a CRT TV that cant display a readable image before it boots into windows.
meaning i effectively cant get into BIOS unless i were to take out the secondary GPU, which i dont want to have to do.

ive already tried going into the BIOS but couldnt find any settings that would allow me to switch the GPUs around.
is there anything i can do other than switching around the GPUs on the motherboard? assuming that would even be a fix in the first place.


Jul 30, 2020

Which GPU is the desired "Primary"?

Just FYI:

Take a closer look at the configuration using Powershell:

"Get-CimInstance win32_VideoController"


GPU Checks
the top one is the 3060 ti and is recognized as GPU1 by the system. and the bottom one is the AMD card and is being recognized as GPU0.


And the 3060 ti is to be the Primary - correct?

If I am following it all correctly then the 3060 ti should be GPU0.

Meaning, again if I am following correctly, that you will indeed need to switch the GPUs on the motherboard.

However, there may be some error of omission or commission on my part....

That said, no harm in waiting for other ideas and suggestions.


Jul 30, 2020
yes, the 3060 ti is to be the primary GPU. its in the top slot, so it would only be natural that its also GPU0.
why would a second GPU, added after the first GPU, and into a random slot, be GPU0 instead of the one in the top slot?
changing the positions is not an option. it should be possible to handle this in software.
While it makes sense that the primary slot should be GPU0, it may not be the case depending on how the boot process works. But since this process isn't documented, or at least I'm too lazy to look this up to verify, my conjecture is that the system discovers everything connected to the chipset first because it may contain boot devices, then it discovers everything else.

Since the secondary x16 PCIe slot is wired up to the chipset, anything connected to it will be discovered before the primary x16 slot. And the reality is graphics are only a benefit to the human, so discovering what's on the primary PCIe x16 slot later isn't really a problem.