Question System shuts off while playing Sims 4


Nov 9, 2013
Hey everyone.

Me and the misses decided to buy computers off Kijiji for the kids just to do school work and play minor games (SIms 4).

The oldest kids computer when playing Sims will completly shut off and the fan goes into overdrive.

What would be causing this and how do I fix this?? My first thought was maybe the fans are clogged full of dust but everything is clean. So im out of ideas..



CPU: Intel Quad Core Q9550 2.83GZ
Motherboard: Intel DX48BT2
GPU: Geforce GTX 660
Memory: 8GB
Storage: 1TB Hard Drive
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I was running HWMonitor in the background just with the game running and not doing anything.
CPU was running at 70 -72 Celsius and using a factory fan nothing special
GPU wasn't showing anything temperature wise but Fan RPM was above 3000 so not sure if that's high or not

PSU is a Thermaltake TR2 500W. As for how old I have no idea again bought these computers off a guy on Kijiji