My system was having issues I GTA V for an unknown reason and my memory at the time only ran at 666.6mhz. As a result, I went into the BIOS on my MSI 970 g43a motherboard and changed the memory speed. My CPU throttles sometimes so I was wondering if the Memory Controller on my fx 6300 wasn't working properly. Even though the memory's rated speed was 1333mhz, I changed it to 1866mhz. In hindsight, not my best decision however at the time, I thought it would be a good idea. After that, my system stopped booting/posting and instead when turned on, it wouldn't post and only the LEDs in the case and fan, as well as the LEDs in my mouse, but not my keyboard. I am going to take it down to my local computer shop but is there anything I can do now to resolve the problem.