I'd like to keep the same case I have I know it's a little pricey but I want that one. So If I change the psu and memory what should I change them too?
There's no point buying a 4690k if you're not getting an aftermarket cooler to go along with it. To add to the suggestions if you are ok with a locked CPU you could look into a i5 4460 for $175 and a cheaper H97/Z97 motherboard for $75.
I'd like to keep the same case I have I know it's a little pricey but I want that one. So If I change the psu and memory what should I change them too?
Well...if you want fewer $$, you have to change something.
CPU/GPU/case....that means you have to change something else.
What do you mean there's no point getting a 4690k? If I get that I have to have an aftermarket cooler? What If I don't plan on overclocking right away because I have no idea how that works can't I just use the stock cooler for a while?
Whoops, meant to add "to overclock the CPU with" in my first sentence.
You could make do with the aftermarket cooler for a while, but unless you are interested in overclocking as a hobby or like to impress others with numbers from a synthetic benchmark you could consider moving to a locked CPU and save some cash. Overclocking the fourth gen i5s will not bring any worthwhile performance gain in gaming, if that's what you were looking for.