Taking screenshots in skyrim

The [Print Screen] key takes a screenshot - they're saved in whatever your game's base directory is.

If you run Skyrim through Steam, it's probably in <Path to Steam Install>\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim. If you don't use steam, Skyrim is installed to your Program Files (x86) folder on the C: drive, or wherever you happened to direct it to.
The [Print Screen] key takes a screenshot - they're saved in whatever your game's base directory is.

If you run Skyrim through Steam, it's probably in <Path to Steam Install>\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Skyrim. If you don't use steam, Skyrim is installed to your Program Files (x86) folder on the C: drive, or wherever you happened to direct it to.
Like someguynamedmatt said, you can simply press shortcut key “PrtScn” to take a full screenshot in Skyrim, and then use Paint to edit and save it. And if you want to capture a customized region in the game, you may try a third-party but totally free tool such as Free online screenshot. This tool can be launched when playing the game and lets you drag alone the screen to create a snapshot. Upon the creation of a screenshot, you can immediately edit on it and then share or save it. For more info, you can read http://screenshot.net/skyrim-screenshots.html
If your using steam just press f5 or f12. When you exit the game a little box will pop up, Click upload on that specific picture. After it is done uploading at the same spot that it said upload it will say "view online"