Task manager - Disk always at 90-100%


May 16, 2014
So i just got a new computer and when i open my task manager it is using 90-100% of disk I dont know whats happening but i think its bad as there is a red border around it. can any1 explain what is happening?

Service host: local system (16) 0.3 MB/s is on the top
I don't know what you mean by your disk as task manager doesn't show the disk space it just shows everything that's going on in the pc at the time. Other than that, i'm assuming you mean physical memory? If so, it'll just be the ram filling up, meaning you either have a lot of things running at the same time or small amount of ram.

i think its physical memory. but its always 90-100% even though i have nothing opened

If you look under the processes tab there should be a list of everything that's running and running in the background, this can be the cause for ram fill up. If you select the ones you don't need then click end process it will free up your ram, make sure not to end the process of deskto or your screen will black out for a few seconds. Some programs can begin running as soon as you start up, filling ram and slowing boot speed. If you want to disable this happening search 'msconfig' in the start menue and run it. Under the startup tab there will be a list of things to run on startup. Uncheck the things you don't want and hit apply. Doing these things should free your ram.

know it's an older thread, but STILL valid question! Still happening in Windows10! Anytime windows runs something,it uses 90% plus disk usage. even if it's only taking 20Mb. Here's a screen shot coming down from Win 10 telling me I successfully took a screen shot, was 95%,when I took the second,was down to 40%+. http://prntscr.com/981i54 As U can see, task manager shows Processor(cpu) RAM(memory) HARD DRIVE Writing(disk)and Network usage(network). See here for other cases /answers. http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2045646/windows-100-disk-usage.html