TDK Finally Crams 2TB on One 3.5-inch HDD Platter

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It allso means that SSD are getting much further behind in storage capasity. But speed is the area of SSD in anyway so not a big problem.
Maybe in 2014 we can get desent 500 GB SSD as an boot drive and 8 terabyte four platter HD as an storage... Not bad at all!
This HAMR scares the crap out of anyone who specializes in data recovery and companies that do data recovery are having a difficult time as it is with keeping up with the pace of newer but less durable tech. At least there is a new kit that allows for data recovery for SSD without the need for the controller to be functional.
I imagine it'll worry people as much as read/write endurance did with SSD's when HAMR first goes live mainstream, but with all technology the first couple generations will always be more of "Beta" or "Prototypes" than a fully finalize product. HAMR will be with us for a long time to come, some estimates are putting it at 20 years for just HAMR alone to tap out and then still even further with HAMR + BPR to achieve past the 60TB 10Tb/inch2 arena.

The skill level will go up, but I have faith as the industry constantly shows, that the kinks will be worked out. Early adopters will always run the biggest risk with any new technology, but if not for them driving the market and being the beta testers, we might never see new tech come out.
still not what Dr.Evil was getting at when he wanted his sharks to have a nice hot meal, but this is good also and should net virtucom 1 MILLION Dollars muwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha-ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaaaaaa-ahahahaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahaha-ahaah-aha.................ahahaa hahaaaa..........riiiiiight.... okay then.
To bad TDK rarely makes hard drives if at all. Think they're just an R&D company. ok. So sell the tech to Western Digital who will push out a five platter monster through their recently acquired Hitachi Global Storage Technologies who are already known for that and we can get a 10TB Drive already!
But TDK doesn't manufacture hard drives.. I would not want to buy the first TDK HDD, that is also using a very new tech to the whole industry.. even veteran HDD makers have trouble with new tech, let alone a first time player.. Other HDD makers are also developing HAMR. I know seagate has made great advances with HAMR as well.
Anyone else thought of The Dark Knight when they saw the title?

Anyway, I didn't know TDK made hard drives, I've only known them for Media Storage like DVD's. They sure make a nice batch of DVD-DL's, I buy them on ebay and hardly get any coasters.
TDK doesn't make hard drives. They do however make hard drive components - I believe WD has been using TDK read-write heads for some time now, for example, and they may also make platters.

Also, a bit error rate of 10^-2 does not sound wonderful - hopefully they can dramatically improve that now that they've got the basics figured out.
8TB drives or whatev sounds nice, really need to work on the thruput IMO. Possible to have dual controller on HD's or read/write heads to increase thruput? would be nice to be able to saturate a 6Gps Sata link with HDD.
If density is that high, doesn't that negatively impact endurance? The slightest amount of play in the main bearing and all is lost. That said, however, this is great news. I personally like to think that as density increases, speed increases along with it. More data per revolution is more data per second. And hope reliability will be good. And cjl is right. A bit error rate of 10^⁻2 doesn't sound wonderful at all, at least if it means what I think it does.
No they are not 2TB platters they are 1.8-ish TB platters.
Tom’s is a tech site and it should state facts not the manufactures lies.
Regardless of what the storage manufactures say the following is and always will be true:
1,024 B (bytes) = 1KB (kilobyte)
1,024 KB (kilobytes) = 1 MB (megabyte)
1,024 MB (megabytes) = 1 GB (gigabyte)
1,024 GB (gigabytes) = 1 TB (terabyte)
Manufactures just can’t resist. I saw my first 60” (class) TV the other day. I think I’ll start a car company and when people start complaining that the cars aren’t getting their rated 100 MPG I’ll just tell them that they think of (and has always been) as a GAL is now a GAiL and a GAL now equals 100oz not 128oz and to shut the F!@# up.
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