Teleport Haters Rejoice: 'Arizona Sunshine' Now Has Thumbstick, Touchpad Locomotion

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"but if you want to put your VR tolerance to the test"
There is no test, no amount of VR locomotion or even low framerates causes issues for me. I just want to play normal games with normal movement in VR or FOV filling stereoscopy. I can even use Googlecardboard with crappy 30$ headsets and a phone with a ton of stuttering, huge motion blur from sample and hold and really bad pixel transition latency (Long trails), even sub 60FPS and not have a single issue.

Not having smooth, normal game locomotion is what turns me off the most about VR. Room scale tracking is too limited unless you have enough space the size of a small warehouse to dedicate to it.
Fortunately for you, now you can try this out! :)
I have also not had any issues to date, BUT I have noticed the occasional disconnect or vertigo feeling, just not to a point of actual discomfort. I'm wondering however, just how well the brain will cope with visual input changing direction smoothly while body is not moving. Seems that would be a very strange feeling. I guess fortunately for me too, now I can try this as well. 😛
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