tell me about Fps gaming experience with old high end vga card?


Nov 30, 2014
I wAs wondering about this a lot and did research a lot
I am building pc
i5 2400k with gtx 670 and it is not capable of running latest games in ultra 60fps
But it can run 40+ ultra fps
I know higher fps is better
So i was thinking to lower my graphic quality to high and achieve 60+ fps
But is there any significant difference between 40 and 60 fps??
I believe eye can see the difference
But my question is

1.does that affect gaming?
Like aiming ect?
2.will it be a disadvantage in single player?
Or as long as there's no lag
Does 40fps FEELS same as 60 in fps gaming?
3.may i run in ultra and play with 45fps average instead of 60in high?
The point is not low fps and high fps, the point is the chugging when fps is not constant. Even 30fps is okay, but only if you have 30fps constant, though you might feel a bit "square eyed" when you stop playing. Most people build systems that can perform far above 60fps just so that they would have the constant 60fps experience even in the most demanding conditions.

so yeah, a system that is capable of reaching 40fps ultra in games will experience drops, and these drops are the annoying because they can hit you in the most cruicial moment and start chugging when you need response time the most in your game. Games that require good reflexes are such an example.
Theoretically your GPU will send a frame to your monitor every 1/60 second at 60fps and every 1/40second at 40fps.
(what your monitor does with it is a different matter, but let's keep it simple)
This means you could get up to a 8ms delay max.
The human eye can detect a dot flashing when it stays at least 16ms on screen.
You will notice the difference in smoothness, but you likely won't notice the delay in the game's response.
When weighed against latency and monitor input lag, 8ms is not very significant.

However as bigbadbeef states; having 40fps average does not mean it will be consistent, and you will likely experience drops and slowdowns just when you could least use them.
i5 2400k doesn't exist, you mean the i5-2400 or the i5-2500k. Which is it? There's a BIG difference between the two

My ist gen i7 and gtx 670 still does very well with modern games, I can play most things maxed out but on games where I cant I ALWAYS choose 60fps over detail. Turning AA down (or even off) is usually all that's needed
Sorry my bad it's i5 2400 3.1ghz
Well thanks for the lesson guys
Now i can understand this better
So for good gaming experience
Is there any good software to keep fps in stable number?
And is that what v sync do?
I mean, right now, a 670 will still provide a good experience. My 660 does just fine and I only notice fps drops in really demanding games like Metro Last Light. For those, I just set the graphics to ultra, then back off a little on 2 or 3 settings and then I can hold a consistent 35 to 40 fps. If you look up benchmark tests for games just pay attention to the average fps and the lowest fps. That will show you what to expect to get and will show you if the fps drops are going to be annoying or not.

V-sync is used to prevent screen tearing by keeping the framerate from going above 60fps. If you are getting less than 60fps, you do not want to use v-sync as it will bump you down to 30fps. And nothings worse than being stuck to 30fps if you can actually be getting a constant 55fps.
What can i do for better gaming?
Reduce graphics until it reaches 60+
Or use some software which can stable fps?
Or get used to lagging (which I'm very capable of while i played games under 30fps with dualcore cpu and with gt 440 😛)

FPS capping is not the only function V-Sync performs to prevent tearing;
It will drop frames as they are presented to the screen while it is still in a refresh cycle; thus making the input feel a bit sluggish, not great at all for FPS gaming.

It won't prevent framerate drops, only tearing; so for first person shooters it is best to have V Sync off, even if it means tearing (personal preference tough).

Sadly there is no magic software to ensure conistent framerates.
You can keep your PC nice, clean and up to date. Beyond that there's only getting more powerful hardware to ensure solid FPS.
Most of the good information regarding this topic has already been covered by everyone here.
I will ad just my 2 cents regarding gameplay and FPS:

30 FPS as many have stated are enought. It is so due to the fact that even if there is a slight, very small delay, your brain gets used to it rather fast, and is able to counter the delay quite well.
The problem is if the delay (aka fps) is not constant (at this depends on game developer). The brain cant adapt as fast as the changes occur.
THe reason why many ppl want over 60 fps, is because after 60, its fast enought to not see the difference, meaning for the brain it is a steady 60 fps (especially if your monitor limits the FPS!).

The real issue however here is input lag in terms of monitor/tv vs fps delay.
Input lag can be very high in a few tvs. Depending on the method used for the calculations, the delay will also be different, but in general we can say that, compared to a CRT monitor, any input lag over 35 will have a negative impact to fast reflex games. To explain this in a easier way:
I have a TV that can have 50 ms input lag or 0 if set correctly. If its on 50, when I play car games, the car seems to start turning a little after i press an arrow key (you can get used to it, but its anoying). When its on 0, the car has instant response.

In shooters, this would mean instead of aiming at the enemy, aiming slightly in front of his projected path (if we add internet lag and similar, it can be very noticeable).

Finally, as long as FPS "do not drop" under 24, even for half a second, the game will be reactive enough to play it well, yet the more fps, the better.
Yeah I want to aim ahead most of the time!
But couldn't do earlier with gt 440 vga
I will lower my quality then!
Actually i have felt this!
after few minutes of playing game in some quality we forget to enjoy the quality and we only concentrate about game playing
But when video scenarios going on i also looking for nice images rather than story going on
And for a third person who's watching me playing always look at the quality!
So i don't care about how others enjoy my gameplay!
I will lower quality/AA or resolution until it reaches 60+ and play it!
:) this is great community
I can't choose everyone's answers as correct answer because everyone helped me