temperatures before and after cleaning the dust


Sep 28, 2013
hey..my HD 7870 XT were reaching 80c & 77% fan speed when gaming Metro Last light, and 71c when gaming Batman Arkham City..i know its normal temps but i wanted to cool it down more..so i clean the case from inside with a Blower and i used it for the case fan too..but i was afraid to use the blower into the Graphics card and the CPU, so i decided to use a brush..and it didn't completely remove the dust from inside the CPU fan and GPU.

after i finished.. the GPU Temp reaches to 76c when gaming Metro with 65% fan speed, 68c when gaming Batman..which means it goes down around 3-4 degrees, is that good?
and what about using "compressed air" or "mini air spray" would it be more effective for cleaning the GPU&CPU dust?

hope you help and sorry for taking long..

hi there i have clean lots of pcs and cpu and gpu too if u have a blower u should use it with a 2x times cloth on nozzle of blower so that the pcb will not blown off by too much pressure also check if the gpu is in warranty and have a seal on the screws dont open it just rma the gpu if u open ur gpu with having a screw seal broken it will avoid the warranty of the card so rma but before just use blower and clean it as i said use a cloth 2 times folded to
the nozzle of the blower so that it may not harm any pcb parts if not use a brush to clean out whole dust


thanks, i did blow the case with a big blower and it removed all the dust around, except the gpu & cpu fans i didn't cleaned them with the blower because i was afraid to damages the gpu fan from the strong air...if using air compressor will be sufficient instead of using the Blower that will be great .

thanks for your help i'll try to do that...but the problem is that i didn't move the gpu, i didn't opened the screws..and using a blower will be hard, unless i took the gpu out..i think i only can use a mini air compressor, would it be effective to remove the dust just like the blower?

u dont need to pull out the equipment from u r cpu case just attach a cloth to the nozzle of the blower 2x times folded and clean the gpu + remember u have remove all the side panel from u cpu case to be clean out dust


thanks i really appreciate it..one last question please .. how much the gpu temps usually goes down after doing that? can it go down to more than 4 degrees? my gpu Temps is now 76c max. and it's summer here.

it really depends on ur current whether temp means if its 40c gpu will run on basis off ambient temp of room i recommend u too use some extra side panel fans but it doesnt really matter bcos off course summer means cpu reaping time so u dont need to worried about it everything is fine under 90c max but u already done great work 76c is great for a high game temp man i having 86c while playing crysis 3 in summer with my 3 yrs old gtx 570 just use side panel fans too enter some cool air into the case + its not rocket science so dont take too much pain
