Terrible fps in BF4 with 920 i7 & gtx 660TI


Nov 5, 2013
Hey! Does anyone know what might be going on with this problem.. I got terrible FPS in BF4, its unplayable. My graphics card is GTX 660 Ti 4gb, driver 331.65. Processor intel core i7 920 @ 2.67GHz. 6 Gb ram, windows 7 64bit.

I havent had problems with any other game. In BF4 the fps is so bad even with medium details its completely unplayable!

Yeah you might be right. At least today's patch didnt help at all though

Try unparking your cpu cores. Google it, it's very easy and stopped all the stuttering fps issues I had in Bf4. It was truly a miracle fix as far as Bf4 goes. I have an I7 920@4.0 ghz and a Gtx 295 and get a pretty solid 60 fps on medium settings now.
I used a program called Unpark Cpu. Just make sure to reboot after you unpark your cores.
Bf4 and Bf3 were the only games i've ever had these fps issues. Let me know if this helps you.