Terrible performance on this rig. Please help


Feb 26, 2017
My specs:
i5-6400 @2.7ghz
Gtx 1060 6gb
8gb Ram @2133mhz
1tb Hard Drive
At this point i've looked at all the tutorials and all the forums and everything that could be a possible fix but no luck. I'm having terrible fps on this rig and its getting to the point to where i dont look forward to gaming on the pc everyday. Borderlands 2 at 1080p with the settings not even maxed im getting 40fps. I should easily be able to max this game. And other games like Far Cry 4, Far Cry 3, Bf4. All terrible fps not maxed out at 1080p with horrible stutters. Could it be my cpu maxed out? Cause the i5-6400 isnt sunshine and lollipops. Someone please help.

My monitor is plugged in to the Graphics card.


What program can i use to monitor these values?

Question from thatboipanda : "Bf4 Micro Stutter and bad fps."

i5-6400 @2.7Ghz
Gtx 1060 6gb
8gb ram @2133mhz
1tb Hard Drive

I'm getting about 50 fps with the game maxed which should not be happening. I'm also getting this micro stutter that is pissing me off so bad because i've tried all the youtube tutorials and followed all the forums but i still have not fixed these issues. Any fixes?