News Tesla Soft-Recalls 130,000 Cars Due to Overheating Ryzen APUs

This is an example of why critical driving/safety functions like the speedometer and gear shifting should not be tied to the car's radio. Imagine if the pilot of an airplane couldn't see their speed whenever the Airplane's only computer was too busy processing games of in-seat poker. Or if they were landing the plane, but the altitude display lagged by 30 seconds because the computer was overloaded by displaying the safety advertisement.
That's why real-time safety critical systems need to be completely separate from the unessential stuff.
Cars are heavily regulated, so I'm surprised tesla (or anyone) is allowed to make their speedometer dependent on the entertainment screen. I mean, the steering and brakes still work (which I doubt are mechanical) so there must already be another system in place that could be handling the speedometer and shifting.
But, this is mostly just another way of saying that the Model 3's dashboard is so ugly and "cost optimized", that I'm surprised it's not illegal. I'm even more surprised that people would actually pay luxury brand pricing for a car so cheaply built that it doesn't have gauges. But, at least I hear Tesla, after so many years, is starting to slightly improve their pervasive "inconsistent manufacturing and insufficient quality control" issues.
That's a bit of an "oops" Mission critical systems should always be separate concerns and isolated.
Safety-critical systems should also be redundant on top of being independent from GUI-driven non-essential fluff. I'm not a fan of how everything is turning into drive-by-wire where you are one wiring harness away from near-total loss of control. I want physical coupling between the gear selector and at least neutral gear. I want a cable-based parking brake for emergencies instead of electric brakes that only give you the options of on/off assuming they still have power and comms to operate. Etc.
But, this is mostly just another way of saying that the Model 3's dashboard is so ugly and "cost optimized", that I'm surprised it's not illegal. I'm even more surprised that people would actually pay luxury brand pricing for a car so cheaply built that it doesn't have gauges. But, at least I hear Tesla, after so many years, is starting to slightly improve their pervasive "inconsistent manufacturing and insufficient quality control" issues.
Tesla has cut a lot of arguably "critical" corners in their meteoric rise to popularity. I'm equally surprised that regulatory agencies haven't shut them down. I guess if you can shell out the fine (if there even is/was one), the foul is forgiven.
Safety-critical systems should also be redundant on top of being independent from GUI-driven non-essential fluff. I'm not a fan of how everything is turning into drive-by-wire where you are one wiring harness away from near-total loss of control. I want physical coupling between the gear selector and at least neutral gear. I want a cable-based parking brake for emergencies instead of electric brakes that only give you the options of on/off assuming they still have power and comms to operate. Etc.

Hey look at that we agree on something. Cats and Dogs getting along next? 😀
Seat-of-the-pants engineering right there!
Yep and that’s why I can’t recommend them to anybody. They’re battery tech is great and that’s about it

Their distain for the automotive industry’s best practices make me not want to buy their products.

After listening to Sandy Munro after the teardown of the model S and model 3 I say no thank you
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That's a bit of an "oops" Mission critical systems should always be separate concerns and isolated.
It’s because their babes in the woods and they don’t know what they’re doing. They have no idea how to work the costs out of the car and they’re hoping that China solve their problems

The only things that Sandy Munro was impressed with was the skateboard at the bottom where the battery is he said down there they have it but everywhere else they don’t
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Im starting to feel Tesla is beginning to feel the weight of its company size. Can't believe this has been overlooked especially there is a component change. Consider also there should be an algorithm to increase cooling to the infotainment system (with a max cooling limit), taking cooling capacity away from cabin or battery cooling.
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Is it because the coolant temperature is too high when the batteries are being actively cooled? If so, that would mean the battery packs are over 100C if the APU is completely shutting down. Yikes.
Actually right now there a money making machine and once they open up in China and start producing the Chinese are going to gobble up tons of their stuff so I think they’re gonna be OK

If they get the mechanical build stuff addressed and can get tight body panel fit and finish and high-quality build mechanically then they’ll really have something but they won’t listen to people like Sandy Munro and his company which would tell them how to get the cost of it.

Also regarding the cooling there’s one component called the super bottle, that does the cooling for the entire car. and when I was looking at that when Sandy showed it to everybody yes it’s remarkable as he says, however I couldn’t believe that that one little thing could cool the entire system. it has to cool the battery and everything so maybe they better rethink that or make it larger

If any of you guys are interested, watch Autoline Detroit on YouTube with John McElroy. He’s an award-winning journalist that’s been in the automotive industry for over 40 years and now his sons doing it. And every Thursday they have auto line after hours and they usually have Sandy Munro Or other experts on and they talk about all things automotive. And Sandy has done many tesla shows where they discuss the breakdowns and address assembly of the car as it’s been reverse engineered to determine the costing.

That show is a wealth of information
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Im starting to feel Tesla is beginning to feel the weight of its company size. Can't believe this has been overlooked especially there is a component change. Consider also there should be an algorithm to increase cooling to the infotainment system (with a max cooling limit), taking cooling capacity away from cabin or battery cooling.
How about just designing the cooling system to actually be able to handle the worst-case cooling load?

This isn't the first temperature control related problem Tesla has had: many people discovered during winter that Tesla's heat pumps and resistive heater elements have a tendency to burn out in cold weather as well.
Exactly, Tesla does a lot of things right except for the mechanical build stuff and they are perhaps way too reliant on the electronics underneath. But I think they will work this out and as they come online in Germany with their new plant and then in China things are poised to go crazy for them

Far as how the cars drive and handle Sandy said their second to none said they handle like a lotus

They have very many brilliant engineers. If they were just adopt standard automotive industry best practices for building the body and reducing the cost it would probably be one of the best cars in the world

As for the cooling I’m sure they will improve the superbottle

Right now their electric motor and their batteries are the most advanced in the world. The most efficient and the most powerful. With solid state batteries coming up I’m sure they will adapt those too
This is an example of why critical driving/safety functions like the speedometer and gear shifting should not be tied to the car's radio. Imagine if the pilot of an airplane couldn't see their speed whenever the Airplane's only computer was too busy processing games of in-seat poker. Or if they were landing the plane, but the altitude display lagged by 30 seconds because the computer was overloaded by displaying the safety advertisement.
That's why real-time safety critical systems need to be completely separate from the unessential stuff.
Cars are heavily regulated, so I'm surprised tesla (or anyone) is allowed to make their speedometer dependent on the entertainment screen. I mean, the steering and brakes still work (which I doubt are mechanical) so there must already be another system in place that could be handling the speedometer and shifting.
But, this is mostly just another way of saying that the Model 3's dashboard is so ugly and "cost optimized", that I'm surprised it's not illegal. I'm even more surprised that people would actually pay luxury brand pricing for a car so cheaply built that it doesn't have gauges. But, at least I hear Tesla, after so many years, is starting to slightly improve their pervasive "inconsistent manufacturing and insufficient quality control" issues.
Not sure the people allowing stuff like that know a hoot about CPUs, or computers in general, to be quite honest...

Edit: reading the article again, it feels like the de elopers of the car don't know much about cooling a computer, or they would have re-evaluated the cooling system after switching to new CPUs...

Edit2: yeah, article says the same...
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dont kid yourself. Tesla has many brilliant engineers; they just don't do due diligence in these areas like the big automakers do. they move fast and the vehicles production EVOLVES rapidly, new parts going into cars, they change stuff dynamically--unlike FORD, GM and others. So they will evolve out the problems and when they do, holy hell, watch out GM and FORD and FCA

as far as tech, software and electronics, they are light years ahead of everyone else, they just need to sit back and consider the implications of having EVERYTHING tied to and depending on their electronics and software. The Chinese absolutely LOVE Tesla and all the super advanced tech inside. They will buy these things like hotcakes. They already are, but once production starts in China, watch out.

Any car company that is currently disregarding and underestimating Tesla is making a FATAL move.

Right now Tesla is among the very top of the companys making the most PROFIT on each sale.

Accoriding to Sandy Munro, they could reduce the costs of the body in white about 20-25% per vehicle which would result in Tesla keeping HUGE amounts profit per car.

They (like TOYOTA--which OWNS 99% of their suppliers) are 100% vertically integrated, they make all their own stuff in factory and don't rely on auto parts makers. THEY keep the profits. This isn't a company of dumbasses. They just need to do MORE and BETTER testing--as well as following standard rules when building all the mechanical stuff and the body

if they could use TOYOTA's manufacturing processes for the body and all mechanical's then the build quality issues would be gone completely, and they will be a super giant in China.

also they need to design the body properly, right now it way overengineered. Sandy said that the battery pack did not even add to the rigidity or stiffness of the structure!! It means the body could be made lighter and have the battery pack add the last bit of rigidity to the overall structure. THAT's how other companies in the auto industry do it to REDUCE costs while not affecting performance.

oh and Elon told Sandy that that lead engineer responsible for the overly ultra stiff body was fired.

They also do really weird stuff with bonding aluminum to steel, especially in the body where it makes absolutely no sense and Munro and Associates (Sandy's company) just shake their heads because it wastes money and resources and time, also costs a ton more and makes the body MUCH heavier than just using all steel!! So yeah, they do some retarded stuff.

Elon Musk said he doesn't like consultants though, so they are not interested in working with Munro to solve all these issues. He's very arrogant and NOT a genius. All he did was step in with money to save the company from bankruptcy. It's the extraordinary people he has working for him that are the genius.

Sandy stated that Elon thinks consultants are barnacles. I hope this crap changes.
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Right now Tesla is among the very top of the companys making the most PROFIT on each sale.
They may be making the most unitary profit but only account for a negligible fraction of the market. Tesla is the one who needs to watch out for when the rest of the industry decides to get serious about EVs instead of only making regulatory compliance models.
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Is it really a 'recall' if nothing is actually recalled in order to fix the issue and an OTA software update fixes the problem? Otherwise, iPhones are recalled once or twice a month!
Is it because the coolant temperature is too high when the batteries are being actively cooled? If so, that would mean the battery packs are over 100C if the APU is completely shutting down. Yikes.
It is not, the issue is coolant flow being shut off from the HEX connected to the infotainment console and diverted entirely to battery cooling.
This is an example of why critical driving/safety functions like the speedometer and gear shifting should not be tied to the car's radio. Imagine if the pilot of an airplane couldn't see their speed whenever the Airplane's only computer was too busy processing games of in-seat poker. Or if they were landing the plane, but the altitude display lagged by 30 seconds because the computer was overloaded by displaying the safety advertisement.
That's why real-time safety critical systems need to be completely separate from the unessential stuff.
Cars are heavily regulated, so I'm surprised tesla (or anyone) is allowed to make their speedometer dependent on the entertainment screen. I mean, the steering and brakes still work (which I doubt are mechanical) so there must already be another system in place that could be handling the speedometer and shifting.
But, this is mostly just another way of saying that the Model 3's dashboard is so ugly and "cost optimized", that I'm surprised it's not illegal. I'm even more surprised that people would actually pay luxury brand pricing for a car so cheaply built that it doesn't have gauges. But, at least I hear Tesla, after so many years, is starting to slightly improve their pervasive "inconsistent manufacturing and insufficient quality control" issues.

That's all nice but we aren't talking about that here, it's basically the car's jukebox not working ..... Are you telling me that if the radio in your car breaks you can no longer drive it?

This is the cooling device that is responsible for cooling every single thing in the car including the car itself passenger compartment and everything else in the model three. And I do think it’s fascinating as a packaging solution but maybe it’s not enough and they need to make it bigger to increase its capacity

Thanks for posting that.

Far as the handling, because they lack a conventional engine, their center of gravity is considerably lower and closer to the drive axis (wheel hub line) of the vehicle. This is because the skateboard battery pack sits at the lowest point in the car. As a result it makes it handle like it's on rails (like a lotus).

But the battery packs also work against you. Like trucks, the heavier your car, the harder it is to control the "bounce" You have to make the suspension "tighter/stiffer" to accommodate the extra weight. Thus when you hit something like a pothole, you really feel it.
Thanks for posting that.

Far as the handling, because they lack a conventional engine, their center of gravity is considerably lower and closer to the drive axis (wheel hub line) of the vehicle. This is because the skateboard battery pack sits at the lowest point in the car. As a result it makes it handle like it's on rails (like a lotus).

But the battery packs also work against you. Like trucks, the heavier your car, the harder it is to control the "bounce" You have to make the suspension "tighter/stiffer" to accommodate the extra weight. Thus when you hit something like a pothole, you really feel it.
despite all that, Sandy says the Model 3 handles like a Lotus dude. I believe him. He's trustworthy.
They may be making the most unitary profit but only account for a negligible fraction of the market. Tesla is the one who needs to watch out for when the rest of the industry decides to get serious about EVs instead of only making regulatory compliance models.
that is wrong thinking. once they are up and making cars in China and have perfect quality, they will be a huge player in the EV market which is only growing. And it's going gangbusters in China.

Eventually with mandates auto companies won't even make IC Engines. Ford has only committed to ICE for the next 20 years.

If Tesla solves the build quality issues and cooling issues, and gets the costs down in the build, then they are going to be HUGE.
that is wrong thinking. once they are up and making cars in China and have perfect quality, they will be a huge player in the EV market which is only growing. And it's going gangbusters in China.
Owning EVs in China isn't a particularly good idea when the Chinese power grid is already unable to cope with normal demand to the point that people have to burn used clothes for backup heat during winter blackouts. Owning a personal car in China comes with some pretty steep annual fees and requirements, you have to be relatively rich to afford owning anything beyond a motorcycle.