Could someone explain "low quality smoothing" versus "upscaling" for me on a 4k TV?


Apr 24, 2015
So I am in the market for a new 4k TV and watch A LOT of older TV that I assume is just like 480P. Looks pretty good

What I DO NOT want is a TV that messes with it a lot, will keep it original like my DVD's look

So do I need to pay close attention to "smoothing" and "upscaling" on RTINGS?

Maybe since I want my older TV to look like intended on my DVD's, I want something that DOES NOT smooth?

I am new but wanted to ask the experts since this is a huge deal for me
Most TVs have a menu?! Where you can switch off options?!
If you do research and find a TV that has an 1:1 option where it shows the input without changing anything but then you would be watching the shows at the size of a post stamp on a big screen 4k.

Smoothing is adding more frames between the real frames to make it look more smooth, like movies shot in 24FPS where you can actually see individual frames during pans smoothing makes that far less.

Upscaling would be something you would want, it stretches the small 480p image into a larger resolution so you can actually see something if you are more than a couple of steps away from the tv.
Most people that care a lot about retro games and watching old stuff get a retrotink for no lag and good quality upscaling but they are very expensive.