Question Textures glitching/flickering, on some games


Mar 13, 2022
So i had this problem here
(doesnt happen anymore sorry forgot to say)

I did then DDU all drivers in safe mode and reinstalled driver for current gpu, also disabled auto update.
Now (month from then) spotted weird texture, objects flickering in some games that are always there on same spots.
Like Gta V, CSGO, minecraft...:

On gta i saw on random street a glitched black square (it flickers), that is always there on same location even after restarting game, also saw other weird textures. Csgo M4A1 part of gun flickers on same spot on every skin. Installed 2 different minecraft modpacks today and saw something off.
Reinstalling or verifying game files doesnt help, same textures flicker on same spots where i found them before.
Can this be gpu problem
mb: H61M
i5 2320
rx 550 4gb
ddr3 1333mhz 2x4 Corsair and Kingston
Toshiba 1tb (500gb disc C / 500gb disc D)
psu: flc-450l
Nothing is Overclocked
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Okay if it's one' game, try reinstalling the game or changing the quality settings and see if it reproduces.

If it still reproduces, it might be a shader program issue. Different surfaces uses different shaders to make them look a particular way. (in your case water) It could be using a unique instruction that isn't supported on your 2320, or might be a defective circuit on the rx 550.

try underclocking the card and see what happens. MSI afterburner usually works well for this.

BTW: I'm not familiar with the flc-450I. Who makes it? And how old is it?

My 7970 started artifacting and crashing when my Corsair AX850 Gold PSU (which was 10 years old) was creating large power spikes/drop outs. That was a top tier unit in its day. After a power supply gets so old, it's no longer stable with GPUs
That roblox water issue from month ago happened once then and never again(it didnt happen now), current issues are always there.
flc is Falcon Chinese company, current psu im using is 3-4 years old 450w.
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