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"Bob Myers" <nospamplease@address.invalid> wrote:
(context restored)
>chrisv wrote:
>>Bob Myers wrote:
>>>Chris' standard response - CRTs are losing the market just
>>>because the big bad monitor and system makers pushed a
>>>clearly inferior product on an ignorant and easily-duped
>> I've never claimed CRT's are losing market share "just because" LCD's are
>> being pushed. You're being dishonest, Bob.
>Chris, that is a very honest assessment of what your opinion
>APPEARS to be here, based on what you've said. There's no
>"dishonesty" involved - I do not believe one thing and state another
>- and I will thank you to choose your words more carefully in the
Sorry, Bob, but there's no way that anyone could have logically
concluded that my position is what you claimed it is. This is not the
first time I've had this problem with you. I will thank you to use
your words more carefully in the future.
>There appear to be only two broad possibilities, here - either
>CRTs are losing marketing share because the LCD IS "being
>pushed," or they're losing market share because the LCD is the
>superior product.
There are other factors, Bob, and none of them, including the two
above, are mutually exclusive.
>It clearly cannot be that CRTs are losing
>share because they are more costly than the alternative, because
>they aren't.
>Now, you have already discounted (repeatedly!) the
>possibility that the CRT market share loss is due to the superiority
>of the LCD
You pretend to not understand that this is not as simple as one being
"superior" to the other, Bob. Why?
>- so what ELSE could we conclude, other than that
>you believe the LCD is "being pushed"? Please offer another
>alternative, if you have one.
As we've already discussed, Bob, the "coolness" factor, and the
"newer/flatter must be better" factor, are huge. The above factors
are, in general, NOT tempered by consumer knowledge of the performance
trade-offs involved.
I've never claimed that the CRT's are losing market share "just
because" LCD's are being pushed, Bob. Period.
>> More dishonesty. I don't claim LCD monitors are "clearly inferior". In
>> many applications, they are the best choice. If they were the same price
>> as CRT monitors, they would be, IMO, the best choice in the majority of
>> applications.
>More naivete on your part, then
Incorrect, and another completely unsupported charge from you, Bob.
What I wrote is entirely reasonable and hardly evidence of any alleged
"naivete" on my part.
Before you start with the insults, I think you should at least
point-out what was incorrect or naive in what I said, because your
response below does NOT dispute what I wrote above.
> - it seems pretty clear from the
>market response that the cost advantages of the CRT do not
>outweigh its shortcomings in the minds of the buying public.
More illogic from you. What's more popular is not a measure of
goodness. GM sells more cars than Honda, for example. FWD cars
outsell RWD cars by orders of magnitude - am I "naive" when I claim
the RWD is better?
>The CRT, admittedly, will remain the display of choice in the most
>cost-conscious markets and applications - but outside of there, it
>seems pretty clear that its time is just about past.
For various reasons, some of which are valid, others of which are
related to extracting more money from our wallets.
I'll try to make it simple for you, Bob:
# of reasons > 1
>Or are you thinking that LCD monitors, for some reason, "should"
>be the same price as their CRT equivalents?
My mind reels from the illogic, and the veiled insult that I could be
foolish-enough to think any such thing. Do you think I'm an idiot,
>> As for my response being "standard", when someone illogically implies that
>> "LCD's are what the stores are promoting, therefore they must be better",
>> I will counter with what I believe is the real reason for the heavy
>> promotion of LCD monitors.
>And if only you would be clear that this IS just your belief,
>that would be one thing. It would be very nice, though, if
>that expression of belief were backed up with some actual
>evidence or experience.
Look at a Dell flyer, Bob. This has already been discussed at length.
>Speaking of "dishonesty," by the way - I would certainly
>hope that you are not thinking of me as the "someone"
>making the above illogical implication...
Having difficulties following the thread, Bob? Spam_eliminator (.) is
the person who made that implication, to which I then objected.
However, I find it rather ironic that you would object, even if I was
thinking of you, since you've made similar errors of logic.