Thank you president

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Nov 19, 2011
Work in the oil and gas industry.
Lately we have suffered job cuts, pay cuts. benifits cut etc.

Can't blame George Bush.

green energy great. Buy as a consumer no $ incentives.

I wan't to vote now!!!
The argument goes, there really isnt any oil, and so why try?
Of course, when were talking real people, real jobs, even the greatest apologist of green and liberal thought has to slow it down some
Actually the oild and gas and process manufacturing related industry in the energy sector is one that has NOT been one as dramatically effected since 2008.

In fact, infrastructure related captital expenditure for new Oil and Gas and Mining has remained high.

Regarding operations staff I'd guess that labour hire costs for technical and engineering related workers is still excellent ... but it is more of an employers market now.

What I don't get is, if Oil companies are having record profits why wont they hire?

4 of the 5 top grossing companies are oil providers, so its not like they are really hurting.

I know how you feel about oil being able to replenish itself but it is a finite resource.


That sounds like being taken hostage to me.

"You need to reassure us and make us feel comfortable before we start hiring and making oil products affordable"

Another reason we need to get off of oil, so these companies cant push people around.
The whole "green economy" is a complete joke and totally mishandled by the Obama Administration. Rather than begin an easy transition into a green energy economy and spending our tax dollars an ALL FORMS of renewable energy and then letting the market decide what alternative energy sources will succeed, the Obama Administration has ruled by fiat and constricted the coal, oil, and natural gas industries in favor of unrealistic solar programs and failed solar companies. Heck, the best success Obama and the Dumbocrats can claim is the market failure of the Chevy Volt.

I think Newt Gingrich put it best during the 11/22/2011 Republican debate.
Well, I say you — the question you just asked is perfect, because the fact is we ought to have a massive all-sources energy program in the United States designed to, once again, create a surplus of energy here, so we could say to the Europeans pretty cheerfully, that all the various sources of oil we have in the United States, we could literally replace the Iranian oil...But let me make a deeper point. There’s a core thing that’s wrong with this whole city (Washington DC). You said earlier that it would take too long to open up American oil. We defeated Nazi Germany, fascist Italy , and Imperial Japan in three years and eight months because we thought we were serious...If we were serious, we would open up enough oil fields in the next year that the price of oil worldwide would collapse. Now, that’s what we would do if we were a serious country. If we were serious…
Record profits are driven by record pricing, period.
The oil companies have generally held a certian percentage as a profit margin, or their costs then a given percentage.
Since oil has escalated, the profits have risen, tho, with the uncertain markets, the unwillingness of this admins to use our oil as clout in the market, this admins teeteroring on the brink of shutdowns, moratoriums, taxes and regulations, the oil companies, along with many businesses, have held off hiring.
Regarding thre somewhat brighter outlook overseaas, they dont currently have this conundrum, and tho 11000 jobs seems plentiful, its but a drop in the bucket if things were changed here in the US.
The energy industry has been held hostage by this admin, with the admin pointing its finger.
Its a shame really, as many would really prosper if this were changed

Just a thought.
China undervalued its monies for years, as the US complained alot about this, but China choose to do what it wanted
Ive a feeling, short term, this is a make up scenario, as soon/eventually, a new admin will take over, and wield the power of the US energy capabilities

This is 100% wrong. If you would have said revenue, then I would have agreed, but:

Profit = Revenue - Cost

So if Profits are up, up, up, then either revenue is up or cost is down, or a little bit of both.

Oil companies in collusion for a profit can tell you all they want.

Also concerning the Gulf of Mexico; does the oil industry trump all other markets that employ Americans? A large number of Gulf states are fishing and tourist centric and this has had a huge impact on their respective industries. Reuters.

This is a blog post, but it highlights the impact across all the Gulf states hit by the spill:
BP Oil Disaster at One Year: Regional Economic Impact

And yet the oil industry would have us believe it suffered greatly during the temporary moratorium on new drilling. The fact of the matter is: the Gulf produced 1.6 million barrels of oil per day last year—an all-time record

The Gulf Coast Claims Facility paid 174,172 claims to individuals and businesses who have suffered damages and costs related to the spill. That’s more than 500 times the oil industry claims.

174,000 affected businesses is much more than the 11,000 potential jobs, which is a "drop in the bucket" as has been stated.

On the Newt Gingrich comment:
During WW2, Standard Oil (Rockefeller) was the only oil company that produced fuel with an additive that was needed for Nazi airplanes to fly. If it only took us 3 years to win WW2, then why did we wait till we were dragged in while all of our allies were getting pummeled? Because it stood to make money while we turned a blind eye. Although I don't disagree with what Newt is saying, fundamentally (opening American wells), my problem is that with the way our crony-capitalism already works, the American people would still stand to loose as the oil industry would continue to collude. What reason do they have to not?
I'd also like to know as I personally have had friends lose employment over the oil spill. I'm far west coast, so I don't have a clue on the first-hand status of the area.
Not only that but after WW1, America moved to an isolationist foreign policy and held the position of not being the world's peacekeeper. America's foreign policy changed in the months leading up to and immediately after Pearl Harbor.

Fact is there were a number of companies, not just oil companies, that sold products to the Nazi's prior to Pearl Harbor and America's involvement in WW2. Prior to Pearl Harbor, there were embargoes stopping American companies from selling arms and weapons to enemies, but no policy or government position stopping American companies from selling their products and services in the global market. At that point in our history and compared to today, government was not anywhere near as involved in the affairs of private companies. The American government supported capitalism and allowed businesses to flourish. Also, there is a big difference between selling products to an enemy and simple war profiteering.

Blame the cronies, not capitalism! Look no further than Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner as prime examples of promoting legislation and then benefiting from the stock sales. Can you say insider trading?! But they're special, they get a free pass, they're in Congress!

:lol: @ OMG73.

LATimes from back in April.

"This is a page torn right out of the handbook of gouge-onomics," said Charles Langley, senior gasoline analyst at the Utility Consumers' Action Network in San Diego. "We call it the law of supply and demand: They supply less product and demand more money for it."

Keep apologizing for all these entities, I know the appreciate it. (more :lol: )

Oh, and I love the justification of selling products to the Nazi's is ok because no one told them it wasn't ok. You, like Rockefeller see higher value in paper money than human beings.

This is the same BS that our Congress does; change their portfolios before changing legislation and thus everyone connected to that business gets an indirect payout! This is the reason I'm so much against Lobbying and business special interests.

But, like the climate talk, no opinions will change here through this conversation.

Also, Chunky, I don't blame capitalism, I blame crony-capitialism as you've already stated and highlighted with that article.

The writing is on the wall, you just can't have your head buried in those (oil) sands to read it.

If capitalism was operating in the way it was supposed to and that means without external influence, then things wouldn't be the way they are. We need protectionist policies that put American products on the same cost level as imported products. We've moved so far away from manufacturing and are in so cozy with foreign companies and companies that only have a PO-Box on American soil and say that they are an "American" company that those truly American small businesses get run out of business because of costs, due in part to the way we pamper foreign investments. This was one of the key things I pulled away from my economics courses in college, years ago. Now the cost of labor and manufacturing is going up elsewhere because we've let foreign economies catch up, all while the wealth divide in the US grows as those connected to profitable investments hoard their money and scream "socialism" when things are attempted to be balanced out. It's all interconnected, but I don't see the positive in letting oil/gas companies fleece the people while they get huge tax breaks.

To go along with what I was saying about Capitalism, here is another article from ABC. It blames the Speculators, per IHS Global ( a huge "intelligence" gathering firm that is worldwide, not sure who the take money from). Speculators aritifically drive up the cost of any good the speculate on creating bubbles within the economy, the problem is speculating works for both the business and the speculator while the people getting shafted are the ones using the product speculated. This has happened for years, and again is attribute to crony-capitalism IMO (insider information for short term profits).
Alright, I don't know why you feel the need to call names, but I'm going to ask you again to refrain from it please, I am not referring to you in such a manner, I'm not sure why you need to refer to me in such a way (Oh and before you quote the climategate thread, I honestly felt I was being trolled by a minor and thus I made my case).

I will agree that most any profit under 10% is by far not price gouging, but the figures for 2010 are closer to 14% - I pulled this data from their Wiki page, which links to the SEC doc. I'm not going to go so far to say that this is unreasonable, but I will say that the speculation end of natural resources is driving costs super high, which is an unnatural manipulation of a market for the profit of a few. However, on the tax side of things, Exxon doesn't pay 35% federal income tax (they paid 0% again in 2010), and I don't see the benefits being passed off to the consumer, only the company stock holders, which again benefits only the few while we plump up their 15% taxable income.

Take this from CNN Money: Exxon is a company that chooses to do business where it pleases, and the places it chose to do business cost the company US $15 Billion in foreign taxes. Because they then had the ability to deduct those moneys from their US obligation left them at $-156 Million. Their local and state tax obligations only came to $110 Million. That means they jack up our prices to ease their tax burdens in other countries. I can't see how this contributes to the US in a positive way as 83000 =/= 300,000,000. They jack up our prices to pay the taxes in foreign places that they chose to do business in. I have conflicted views on offshore drilling because of the catastrophic impacts mistakes makes, but I've never seen a problem with tapping our own resources, we already do it for natural gas and a limited supply on oil, why have we been holding off (reminiscent of "drill baby drill")? (Before you say Democrats; ) Let me say that I've never been against in country drilling, in fact I've always seen it as a solution, I just want rigorous standards to keeping the oil where it is supposed to be without being a huge unnatural disaster that destroy's our OTHER natural resources. That alone would change the scope of the conversation. But even still it's almost a red herring as the problems in N. Africa and the Middle East should not affect us as much as they do because the majority of our oil does not come from there, in fact of the 60% of our oil that is imported, only 1/2 of it comes from locations outside of the Western Hemisphere. Thus the artificial bolstering of cost is directly related to speculation. Source. Oh, the next page talks about Chevron, same apologist tone in the article too.
Also, just because the gulf made record returns, the exact opposite of what we hear all the time, as oil has "capped", now we hear reverse argumentation, saying its all a hoax, and they only say this to charge more, and was it Americans getting all that record oil out of the gulf?
Now, which is it, has oil peaked?
Or, are they just charging more, while doing less?
Also, their profit margins, which I addressed earlier went unread evidently, and is very decent, and yes, theyre more than paying their fare share, because, were the ones paying it already now, and any further increases means we will only pay more down the road, again, thanks to our president, and all those big government tax raisers/
Trying to take up two sides of an argument doesnt work, tho, people seem to think, or NOT think really, when all the indoctrination is oil=bad, government=good, and taxing them, thus making government larger, while we the people pay the bill somehow just doesnt catch on to those who really need to understand economics better


Anybody else seeing this?

Agreed JayDeeJohn.

And you are right, I think most skipped over what you said earlier, so here it is again:

1) Oil 'Profits' are up mainly due to 'creative accounting' more than anything , although market speculation driving prices over $100 a barrell doesnt hurt either
2) yes American Companies sold goods and services to both Japan and Hitler BEFORE were at war with them. it was called the 'free market' ..Hitler was the legit elected leader of a soveriegn country with whom we had diplomatic relations. and for the MOST part his war agenda was unknown to outside world until he unleashed it. things like the 'Death camps' were only thought to be rumors until they were actually discoverd. bear in mind today we have hindsight. in 1939 we did not.
2A) Indeed America had dismantled and mothballed its Army , in fact it is only AFTER WWII that US kept a standing army of any real strength or size. for example when Japan invaded the Phillipines, the US soldiers there broke open the armory to distrubite weapons to fight the invading army with. those weapons consisted of crates of Springfeild Rifles that were packed and 1919 they were still using the guns from WWI. the Bataan Death March shortly ensued.
3) Most of US Companies have a net Profit of aorund 2% ..there is a big difference between actual take home, and 'Margins' on paper.
4) The Oil spill in the Gulf was NO where near the disaster the news made it out to be. The 'Lamestream News Media' over exagerated it only to give credence to Big O's 'Green Energy' agenda ..the net effect was that Ban on Gulf Drilling had a far worse impact than the actuall spill. I live in FL (on the atlantic side, but still close enough)
5) with the Complete and utter Epic Fail of Solyndra and other Green attempts, the US is about to embark on the prolly the Biggest energy drive it has ever seen. the New Tech available to companies allows much more effficient production of Oil,Gas, things like being able to Drill Sideways etc and this can be done without destroying the environment. and btw, this is NOT being done by our Epic Fail Big Govt. this is going to be done by BIG Business and Big Oil. they have set an agenda for the US to Completely Energy Independant by 2020-2025 ..this is a losty goal, but America hasits ability to achieve lofty goals when they put their minds to it (defeating Hitler and Japan in less than 4 yrs, Going to the Moon, etc) Big Business is tired of dealing with 3rd World Countries that 'bite the hand that feeds them' . and Business is taking a 'no holds barred' approach, Oil, Gas, Nuclear, Steam, Solar, they dont care as long it works, and gets the Country away from feeding the people that Hate us, but love our money,food,medicine, and Iphones. The 3rd world is about to be reminded what it is like to live in 3rd world without the big bad evil ole USA.
Understand that the comments about collusion between oil companies and government being the reason for America's delayed entry into WW2 ignores the proper historical perspective. There is no justification or apology necessary for companies who sold products and services to the Nazi's prior to Pearl Harbor and the fundamental change in foreign policy that resulted. It is only through hindsight that people can judge whether it was right or wrong and regardless of what today's opinion may be, it was, simply put, a different time in America. It's easy to Monday-morning-quarterback and criticize, what is perceived to be by modern opinion, the wrong thing to do in America's history. Lastly, the assertion that it was okay for companies to sell products to the Nazi's because there was a lack of legislation telling them not to is just bogus and, again, ignores the proper historical perspective.

FYI, Rockefeller sold oil to Germany through 1942, 3 years after the war started.

I didn't know that cooperating with the enemy of our allies was free and clear of scrutiny.

Also, please iterate what the "proper" historical perspective is, because I'm missing what that perspective is supposed to be (Post Pearl Harbor?). Oh, and I wasn't inferring that the reason we didn't enter the war was because of collusion, I'm just inferring that the same type of insider information was available back then and more so if you consider that the "ruling elite" back then were much fewer in number than they are today - This was my mistake as my phrasing was misleading, but I honestly was not trying to portray WW2 as the way it was taken, I was merely talking about Standard Oil's role in WW2, which I feel was unethical and greedy at best.

I'm also not trying to come off like a conspiracy theorist, but there is over a million hits on google for "ww2 standard oil." There has also been quite a few books written on the subject matter as well.
LockDown you do realize that it was only the war in Europe that had started 3 years prior to 1942 , and that America did enter the war until AFTER Pearl Harbor ..gawd I hope you at least know date and year Pearl Harbor occured.
..were there "war Profiteers" who worked both sides of the fence ? yes , there always are in war.
1) Standard sold NO Oil (crude, or refined) to Nazi Germany Post Wartime restrictions. what you are Probably refering to is 'Additives' or Certain other 'Petroleum Products' that were not specified in the restrictions. things like those 'Hi Octane' Boost stuff you buy at the auto parts store. or lubricating oil. or heating oil or some other product. and there is still no proof that John D himself was directly involved prolly some Jr VP who made a side deal. and then you never know if the product is actually being used for its intended purpose. may have sold Heating Oil , to keep German kids from freezing to death in the Winter..and then the Nazis took it used for war machines , this is a possible example or scenario.

2) remember IBM sold to Hitler some of the first 'computers' they were Card punch sorting machines. that were designed to make an accurate count for Census. Hitler and the Nazis ..then took those machines and modified them to include info like race,religion, ethnicity.. IBM designed them simply to make a faster and more accurate census count. after the war , they (IBM) were Horrified to find out that their machines had been modded to tag people for the 'Final Solution' ..after the war Camp survivors actually Sued IBM for selling the machines..and IBM paid out big bucks to settle. as it brought up a strange question of liability. the Intended use of the machine was NOT Genecide, yet it was those machines that allowed for the swiftness with which Nazis were able to round people up. IBM , NEVER intended them for that use. now these SAME Machines were used during the war by US to help the Air Force build ability and effectiveness in bombing. everything from why a plane had to turn around before it hit its' target (engine failure, if so what kind, fuel leak, loss of cabin pressure, pilot sickness etc ) to srting who would make good pilots..these SAME Machines used by our side helped the US go from NO Air Force whatsoever , to Dominating the Skies and Air Power being largely attributed to winning the war and thus saving millions of lives. Same Machines ..different uses. it is a tuff call as to whether IBM could be considered an Evil War Profiteering corporation.

3) I am still amazed at the ignorance of history people have today..and why they are seem to be ONLY Focused on US based Companies.. Take Mitsubishi they make 1939 they made the planes and Zeros that Bombed Pearl Harbor ..why aren't you railing against them as an evil corporation. or Take for instance Mercedes and BMW (Bavarian Motor Works) or even VW do you realize that these German Companies ALL made vehicles for the Nazi Army always amazes when I see some Rap Star sporting his new BMW ..prolly has no idea that the BMW symbol (legend has it) is a Nazi Arian symbol supposedly a white propeller flying thru a blue sky, the White (symbolizing the Nazi Arian), propeller being a symbol of nazi Air Power dominating the open blue sky (as they made they made the engines for the Luftwaffe) ..I cannot confirm this, but I have seen a few reports on the subject. and I just dont have the time to properly research it..or take Krupps they make things like coffee 1939 they made most of the steel used in Nazi War machine and used a lot of slave labor to do it. why are you not 'scrutinizing' these companies ?
2) Bear in mind also that American companies made the US vehicles ..ever heard of the Chrysler Jeep ..geuss what they made in 1942 ...American Car companies made the Tanks ..Boeing and Lockheed-Martin and other companies made the planes those famous P51 Mustangs , B17 Bombers etc etc ..
4) Wait till you learn how american Mafia KingPins, even from prison , used their underworld influence to help America with the Invasion of Sicily ..

I just dont understand why ALL the focus is on American companies = bad ..while companies in Other countries who have done Far Worse ..seem to get a free pass. wait till you learn about the Russian trans-Siberian railroad for example.
And just because its on google does not make it true ..if I put up a website saying that I am the King of Siam ..which I could do. does not actually make me the King of Siam.
ltrazaklt, you do realize that my first line covers that, as he sold oil to our enemies for the FIRST 3 YEARS of the war. I didn't know that because we were not at war yet that Europe was no longer an ally, if I have the wrong perception of this, then please correct me.

1.) If you re-read what I wrote, I asked if they were referring to post Pearl Harbor, no one responded. (Thus why i put it in quotes as I was supposed to be corrected about my historical outlook; hasn't happened yet.)

2.) Same scenario; selling products to the enemy or our allies. However, I do not know if they willingly did it during war time; Rockefeller did. Not sure what your point is here, however oil is a much more versatile product than the original computer systems that were used for census data. Regardless, if it was common practice to sell products to countries at war with our allies than correct me, because it strikes me as suspect. If I were a foreign country and knew about this, I'd be extremely angry with the US, and only hope they would take action against the companies doing so. Standard Oil was to big to be punished, sound familiar?

3.) Mitsubishi isn't an American company selling to our enemies, they are a Japanese company. Apples to oranges.

2, 4, etc.) Whatever these numbers are pertaining to, they are again American companies. The mafia has always had a stake in just about everything. The still run the waterfront's all along the East Coast. I know this first hand; my company has had many problems since opening a terminal in Jacksonville, FL. WTF was your point with this?

Again, I made a comparison of insider information from the article that ChunkyMonster posted about Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner to what was probably happening back then. There is all kinds of historical books written about the very subject revolving around business ties during that of WW2. The Germans put up many fake businesses to trade with foreign entities to hide where the sales were going to, most of the sellers knew damn well where their products were going to Germany. Now, if there is no limit to the amount of contact the businesses have with our legislators, then who's to say similar instances didn't happen back then? Actually the only way you made it in to office was being a successful person in business or being a rich land owner; this was the status quo since the beginning of our country - Still is in a lot of ways (or being born into a political family). This had nothing to do with "criminalizing American businesses" I merely was pointing out the insider information was available back then and since our government was in bed with business owners back then, who's to say that part of the reason we didn't enter the war wasn't personal profit?

I am speculating outright, and I'm not trying to hide that. I'm not saying it is what happened, but I didn't know that speculating on the amount of greed within human nature was somehow out of the question.

The rest of what you wrote doesn't even apply to what I was saying, and I'll ask this same question again:
I didn't know that selling products to the enemies of our allies was free and clear of scrutiny?

This is me scrutinizing.

I find what Standard Oil did (and the government connections they had) on par with how our current legislators make money off their own legislation.

Here is a link that is on par, and sited, to what I was saying:
Exceopt for those Japanese companies, and those German companies etc etc
People complain about dropping the bomb as well, but Id remind everyone, one wasnt enough

Tho its important to remind ourselves of our history, especially so we dont head down that path again, its entirely another matter to possibly create a new history, by having to also learn, times change, forgiveness is a part of life, and if we harm certain companies, where will it end?
And to what harm?
Then, 50 years from now, someone will be reminding us not to this too once again.
We werent so guilty as to slaughter innocents, and by the millions, so except for this fact, and being attacked, whether it was our allies, or our homeland, yes, there is a distinctive exception here.
We also didnt occupy any countries that attacked us, tho, learning from the past, ala WWI, we left military personnel, and a better, more ready and stronger one, in those countries, and at home.
We dont like war, but were damn good at it

One of the tenets of conservatism is a strong military. Let us not forget the insane defense spending since Ronald Raegan. Before anyone jumps down my throat too, I'm aware of the cold war and why we did, that doesn't justify the astronomical spending since then.
Hitler was also named Time Magazines 'Man of the Year' must realize that 'Jounralism' has never been 'objective' or without agenda of its ..William Randolph Hearst (the newspaper Billionare) went to the same country club that John D Rockafeller went to ..and they HATED each other. to the point that Hearst actively engaged trying to do everything he could with newspapers to ruin John D. Most of the time, as with even with todays lamestream newsmedia. using very little facts and info , and WHOLE lot of opinion and SPECULATION. Hearst's mistress wrote a book about him. you should read it. While money does not hurt it not the end of all..Harry Truman , lived in the same house after he was president that he lived before he VP and the President. There are many examples in American history of people coming from poverty or meager means and going on to become good leaders. Abe Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, here in FL , Marco Rubio is the son Cuban immigrants, now Senator Marco Rubio. this is a key factor of America ..'opputunity' .

1) Hitsorical outlook changes over time and as info garnered. soo you would chastize IBM for doing business with someone that Time Magazine named Man of the year ? kids across America and Europe , donated their pennies to give charity and food to starving German kids after WWI ...Norway took in the largest number of German war orphans , American companies also donated to these charities ..did they know that those kids would grow up to become Nazi's ?

2) Generally the terms of doing business with 'enemies of our allies' is dictated by the Laws and Treaties of the respecting countries involved. also depends on what it is; for example base cotton. can be sold, this can then be turned into uniformed for soldiers, OR turn into medical gauze or bandages for wounds. do you restrict medical supplies being sold ? often times these issues are unkown to Gov'ts until afer the fact. Rubber can used to make turnicates or tires ? it is a gray area and often depends on things like legal terms interpritation ..for a more mdern example ..I remember buying a SCSI RAID from Adaptec prolly more than a decade ago (yes it was years before 9/11..when I downloaded the driver I had to swear that I would not be distributing this to Certain countries Afghanistan, Iran , and some others the list. I do not if this was an Adaptec company policy or based on Legislation from congress, and not even sure why.
2) even if Standard Oil was selling ..were they breaking any laws ? I find they 'evidence' to be very circumstantial and speculative at best, imho.
3) Where do you think Mitsubishi bought it's raw materials from? Admiral 'Bull' Halsey.when he was a young officer was the 'Battleship Tour' in which an American fleet sailed around the world to various ports in kind diplomatic show of force. no one was at war at this point. but one of the places he went to was Tokyo Japan. he saw the rise of fascism taking place there first hand. upon returning to the port of San Diego, he saw ships being loaded with both raw mats , and junk metals scraps, loaded onto ships bound for Japan. his son remembers the comments he made 'by god thats going to come back to us in bombs and torpedos' ..and while he was correct in predictions years before it happend ..even into 1940 Newspapers were saying we are not going to war. the US will remain as we had already been 'over there' and were not oign back. the newspapers were wrong.

4) if they control waterfronts all along the East Coast ..why do specify Jacksonville, FL ?

5) 'insider info' has always been an issue ..hell this very website could be considerd 'insider info' ..if you worked with Edison or Tesla and could see the future of electricy you had more insider info long before any farm in Iowa had that same info. the whole aspect of Business and Government relations it from either side is based on insider info. if you knew Google was going to IPO that insder info ? and is insider info any guarantee of profit ? there are countless examples of fortunes won and lost. hmm Solyndra comes to mind ..many people on the inside there ..but maybe someone profited somewhere off that inside info; but looks like most everyone lost on that one.
5) as to who is to say whether the reason we went to war wasn't personal profit ? you assume that war is profitable ..this pure liberal bs ..Business likes certainty and predictability ..war is the opposite of that. not only does war destroy your inventory , it destroy your workforce, your sales force and the human beings that creat and improve your products. Business does not like war ..even weapons makers would prefer to play on the testing ground than to actually have their products used on the battlefield , cause on the battlefield those products might fail. many examples of this ..

Speculate on the amount of human greed all you want. I just dont understand why you think American companies are the sole source of human greed. bear in mind that most American also contribute a great deal of their 'profits' to charities and worthy causes. personally I get a chuckle out of watching liberals with their Ipads and iPhones idol and worship Jobs..and they have no idea that when Jobs first came back to Apple, the FIRST thing he did was cut ALL charitable donations that the company made, and the ENTIRE time he head of Apple , they made ZERO , not 1 dollar of donations.. the new CEO of Apple the first thing he did was re-instate the company matching funds from employee donation to charities ..
but I would agree with you there is a problem in DC always amazes to listen to the libral left as they yell and scream against what the Gov't is doing ..and then demand that we the people give more money to that same Gov't ..
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