ltrazaklt, you do realize that my first line covers that, as he sold oil to our enemies for the FIRST 3 YEARS of the war. I didn't know that because we were not at war yet that Europe was no longer an ally, if I have the wrong perception of this, then please correct me.
1.) If you re-read what I wrote, I asked if they were referring to post Pearl Harbor, no one responded. (Thus why i put it in quotes as I was supposed to be corrected about my historical outlook; hasn't happened yet.)
2.) Same scenario; selling products to the enemy or our allies. However, I do not know if they willingly did it during war time; Rockefeller did. Not sure what your point is here, however oil is a much more versatile product than the original computer systems that were used for census data. Regardless, if it was common practice to sell products to countries at war with our allies than correct me, because it strikes me as suspect. If I were a foreign country and knew about this, I'd be extremely angry with the US, and only hope they would take action against the companies doing so. Standard Oil was to big to be punished, sound familiar?
3.) Mitsubishi isn't an American company selling to our enemies, they are a Japanese company. Apples to oranges.
2, 4, etc.) Whatever these numbers are pertaining to, they are again American companies. The mafia has always had a stake in just about everything. The still run the waterfront's all along the East Coast. I know this first hand; my company has had many problems since opening a terminal in Jacksonville, FL. WTF was your point with this?
Again, I made a comparison of insider information from the article that ChunkyMonster posted about Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner to what was probably happening back then. There is all kinds of historical books written about the very subject revolving around business ties during that of WW2. The Germans put up many fake businesses to trade with foreign entities to hide where the sales were going to, most of the sellers knew damn well where their products were going to Germany. Now, if there is no limit to the amount of contact the businesses have with our legislators, then who's to say similar instances didn't happen back then? Actually the only way you made it in to office was being a successful person in business or being a rich land owner; this was the status quo since the beginning of our country - Still is in a lot of ways (or being born into a political family). This had nothing to do with "criminalizing American businesses" I merely was pointing out the insider information was available back then and since our government was in bed with business owners back then, who's to say that part of the reason we didn't enter the war wasn't personal profit?
I am speculating outright, and I'm not trying to hide that. I'm not saying it is what happened, but I didn't know that speculating on the amount of greed within human nature was somehow out of the question.
The rest of what you wrote doesn't even apply to what I was saying, and I'll ask this same question again:
I didn't know that selling products to the enemies of our allies was free and clear of scrutiny?
This is me scrutinizing.
I find what Standard Oil did (and the government connections they had) on par with how our current legislators make money off their own legislation.
Here is a link that is on par, and sited, to what I was saying: