Pi-powered and 3D printed, this is the iMac that time forgot.
That’s No Moon! Callisto II DIY PC Hits the Right Retro Note : Read more
That’s No Moon! Callisto II DIY PC Hits the Right Retro Note : Read more
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They have additional form factors (for 3D printing) which include a case resembling the original Mac, and something called "Callisto J-29", which looks like a grey Commodore PET, but may be modeled on a different '70s terminal. Thanks for the ADMA3A info though. The article was mostly correct in that this site "strikes precisely the right note", but maybe he went a bit overboard on Thingverse.com, where he advertises "A TRUE 4:3 ratio 8-inch CRT display" and "All at a fair price of $8,599.99!" I suppose Kevin would actually make the Mac replica , or probably all three models for that kind of money, but...I beg to differ - that's not an iMac, that's an ADM3A.