holy shit, where do i start??
- starting at 2500$, it doesn't come with an ssd.
- they add the vram of two cards in sli
- they only state the turbo clocks, instead of base clocks
- the largest ssd you can add is a 512gb msata drive and it's not even a nice m.2 pcie drive
- they are using the 2+ year old haswell platform, when skylake is just launching with more speed, more efficiency and more features
- windows 8.1, when windows 10 just launched
- a 4650$ laptop is simply ridiculous, i7 qx and 980 sli or not
- a 1080p screen?? are you fucking kidding???
- no bluray?
anything else?
Lets break this down:
-Starting at 2500, yes, they need a reality check. I will never buy something so overpriced.
-VRAM will be added in dx12 if I remember correctly, so as long as its windows 10, its ok.
-Turbo clocks, again, another alienware false advertising, nothing new, most people should be used to this by now from alienware.
-I have only a 128 gb ssd at my gaming laptop, the rest is mechanical. Going pure ssd, im sure if you are that wealthy, you will be looking at far more powerfull laptops, perhaphs eurocom...
-This is debatable. We have not seen a full dx12 build with a review from all types of cpus and gpus.
I have seen so much conflicting information regarding the performance jumps that for now I dont trust anyone.
The reason I say this is because since i5-2500k almost every single intel improvement was minimal.
-If you have win 8.1, you get 10 for free, assuming you leave autoupdates on... so this is a bit of a trick to get people to have auto updates on.... I wonder if Edward Snowden can give us a hint.
-So are beats, iphones, masseratis, and 30 million dollar homes, but hey, noone forces you to buy it.
-Screen is something complex. On one side, its not like you can tell the difference unless you are looking for it (the screen is just too small). On the other hand, why not just put a 4k display? Then it hit me, battery life.
I-m still torn about bluray. Most ppl still buy DVDs, and with upcoming technology dvds will be able to store around 25.000 blueray quality movies, so maybe thats why. Blue ray has not eliminated DVD and taken over, like DVD did with VHS, so its quite obvious that blueray is not the future, its just in that future somewhere.